NetSuite REST M2M OAuth2 Account


You can use this account type to connect NetSuite REST Snaps with data sources that use the NetSuite M2M OAuth2 Account. Learn more about the OAuth2.0 setup.


  • A valid client ID.
  • A valid private key accessible to all Snaplexes in the organization.
  • A valid certificate ID.

Limitations and known issues


Account settings

NetSuite REST M2M OAuth2 Account

  • Suggestion icon (): Indicates a list that is dynamically populated based on the configuration.
  • Expression icon (): Indicates whether the value is an expression (if enabled) or a static value (if disabled). Learn more about Using Expressions in SnapLogic.
  • Add icon (Plus Icon): Indicates that you can add fields in the field set.
  • Remove icon (Minus Icon): Indicates that you can remove fields from the field set.
Field / Field set Type Description
Label String

Required. Specify a unique label for the account.

Default value: N/A

Example: NetSuite REST M2M OAuth2 Account
Client ID String

Required. Specify the client ID associated with your OAuth2 application. You can create the client ID as advised by your application provider. Learn more about generating the client ID.

Default value: N/A

Example: f0be108e458cc6cf99c5b08510d1c97581362e77b
Scope String

Required. Specify the scope to use for authorization.

Default value: rest_webservices

Example: rest_webservices
Private key String Required. Specify the path to the private key that corresponds to the certificate uploaded to NetSuite for M2M authentication.
  • If you are using SLDB for the private key, the path must be an absolute path. You can obtain this path by looking at the preview of your file and specifying the path at the top.
  • If you are using a local file on the Snaplex, that file must be available on all Snaplexes at that specified location.

Default value: N/A

Example: snaplogic/shared/auth-key.pem
Certificate ID String

Required. Specify the certificate ID obtained from the NetSuite portal. Learn more about generating the certificate ID.

Default value: N/A

Example: tsKx2-nvCsklSDqRGTEtuc7X-pV7I8ltq-ex5ZuZurrI
Signature algortihm Dropdown list

Required. Specify the signature algortihm used to generate the X509 keypair.

Default value: ES256

Example: PS256
Access token N/A

Auto-generated after authorization. You must include this access token in all API requests that you make on behalf of the user associated with the specified client ID.

  • You can retrieve the access token when setting up the account for NetSuite. When you run the OAuth2 flow, the resulting access token is automatically stored in this property.
  • You must get a new access token if the access token has expired. Enable the Auto-refresh token checkbox to automatically refresh the access token.

Default value: N/A

Example: Encrypted
Access token expiration N/A

Auto-generated after authorization. The access token expiration value.

Default value: N/A

Example: 1696552804
Account ID String

Required. Specify the account ID that refers to a unique identifier assigned to an account in the NetSuite system.

Default value: N/A

Example: tstdrV587648
OAuth2 token endpoint String

Required. Specify the token endpoint to obtain the access token.

Default value:

Token endpoint config Use this field set to define custom properties for the OAuth2 token endpoint.
Token endpoint parameter String

Specify an optional token endpoint parameter.

Default value: N/A

Token endpoint parameter value String

Specify an optional token endpoint parameter value.

Default value: N/A

Auto-refresh token Checkbox

Select this checkbox to refresh the access token.

  • If you deselect this checkbox, the access token does not refresh after the expiration.

Default status: Deselected

Authorize Button

Click this button to authorize the NetSuite REST OAuth2 account using the specified credentials.

Refresh Button

Refreshes the access token. Available after the account is saved.


Failed to execute the NetSuite REST service call, or the endpoint returned an error.

Unauthorized access from the endpoint (Response 400, 401).

Invalid login attempt. For more details, refer to the Login Audit Trail in the NetSuite UI at:

Setup > User/Roles > User Management > View Login Audit Trail.