Integration catalog FAQs
Frequently asked questions:
- What is the Integration catalog?
A System of Record (SoR) of all SnapLogic pipelines, enabling teams to easily find, understand, and manage integrations as data assets.
- What problem can the Integrations catalog help me solve?
It's a challenge to manage and understand the purpose of hundreds or thousands of operational pipelines. The Integrations catalog makes integrations discoverable by exposing their metadata.
- Why is it named Integrations catalog instead of Task or Pipeline catalog?
Tasks and pipelines are the SnapLogic artifacts that enable developers to integrate applications, databases, and other data sources. The Integrations catalog captures both task and pipeline metadata. Each row in the Integrations catalog table represents an integration.
- What type of metadata does the Integrations catalog expose?
The Integrations catalog exposes three types of metadata:
- Factual—Verifiable attributes directly captured by the Snaplogic Platform such as: task name, pipeline name, task type, owner, schedule, and associated Snap accounts
- Inferred—Attributes implicitly derived using Factual metadata with reasonable assumptions, such as source and destination endpoints
- Supplemented—Custom metadata that you add to the catalog
- How much does it cost?
The initial version of the Integration catalog is available at no additional cost for interested customers who have the Enterprise package. Opt-in is required, it is not available by default.
- My organization is an Enterprise customer, how do we get the Integrations
Contact your CSM.
- Is it generally available (GA)?
Yes, it is GA, but you have to reach out to your CSM to subscribe. This controlled roll out allows us to optimize for a better user experience.
- How does a non-Enterprise tier customer get access to the Integration Catalog? What is
the a la carte pricing for Integration Catalog?
The Integration catalog is not available as a separate feature. The only way for non-Enterprise customers to get access is to upgrade to the Enterprise tier.
- How does Integration catalog get enabled on an environment?
CSMs enable the Integration Catalog Collection feature in Classic Manager.
- Is the Integration catalog available for all of my environments?
Yes, you can use Integration catalog on both production and non-production environments.
- How does the Integration catalog get populated or updated?
The Integration catalog populates and updates automatically with factual and inferred data from all operational pipelines.
- After the Integration catalog is enabled, how long before it's ready to
The amount of time it will take to populate the Integrations catalog is proportional to the number of integrations in the environment. In SnapLogic development environments, we've seen synchronization complete in less than an hour. The Integrations catalog page in Monitor displays notifications while the catalog is being populated.
- Do pipelines in the design stage show up in the Integrations catalog?
No, only operational pipelines, those with an associated task, display in the catalog
- Can all users in the environment view the Integrations catalog?
No. Currently the Integrations catalog is only visible to Environment admins.
- How can I add supplemental metadata?
To add supplemental metadata, download the template, modify it, and upload to the catalog. Refer to Download and upload metadata for more information.
- Where is supplemental metadata stored?
Metadata is stored in an AWS Neptune Graph database managed by SnapLogic.
- Is there a limit on the number of custom metadata attributes that I can add?
Yes, the current version supports addition of up to 25 custom metadata fields.
- Are imported supplemental metadata values available for all integrations?
Yes for all integrations created in Designer.
- Can I add or edit supplemental metadata directly in the UI?
Not currently.
- Can I delete supplemental metadata?
You can't delete custom columns. You can delete values in a column by uploading blank values. When an organization unsubscribes from the Integration catalog, SnapLogic deletes the customer metadata.