Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 as a target

You can load from any source to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS Gen2). AutoSync transforms objects and tables to CSV, JSON, or Parquet files—each to a file with the same name. Supply new ADLS Gen2 credentials in the wizard or select saved credentials. The account must have write permissions for the file storage location.

Supported Snap account types

Designer and Classic Manager provide multiple Snap account types for most endpoints and not all types are compatible with AutoSync. When you create or edit a data pipeline, the existing credentials list includes only compatible accounts.

Many Snap accounts support references to JAR files. If you create an account that references a JAR file for use in AutoSync, you must use an absolute path to the JAR file.

For ADLS Gen2, AutoSync supports:

  • Binary Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 OAuth2 Account

Supported load types

  • Full load

Connection configuration

When you create ADLS Gen2 credentials in AutoSync, the properties include :

  • Account Properties:
    • Credential label: A unique, meaningful name such as ADLS-Gen2-Shared-Sales. If a configuration with the same name exists, AutoSync displays an Asset conflict error message.
    • Account name: Leave the default value, adlsgen2storageAccount.
    • Endpoint: Leave the default value,
    • Tenant Id: The directory ID for your ADLS Gen2 service. Find the ID by logging into Select Azure Active Directory, and navigate to Properties. Copy the Directory IDFor example: NNNxxxx-0xNN-NNxx-NNNx-NNXNNNNNNNNx
    • Access Id: The Azure Active Directory access ID for ADLS Gen2. For example: NNNxxxx-0xNN-NNxx-NNNx-NNXNNNNNNNNx
    • Secret Key: The S3 Secret key for authentication. For example, NXXxXxXNxXxxxXXxXxXXXXNxXXXxXXx+xxXXxx.
    • Share: (Optional) Select a user group to share this configuration with. Org admins create user groups to share credentials. If you are a member of a user group, you can select it from the dropdown. You can also select the global shared folder, which shares the credentials with everyone in your Org.
  • Validate and save: After saving, AutoSync adds the configuration to the list of saved credentials.
  • File type: After selecting your configuration, choose the file type, CSV, JSON, or Parquet.
  • Folder path: The path is case sensitive. Enter the target file path in one of the following formats:
    • dir-name/
    • abfs:///dir-name/