Install and configure tabcmd and Tableau Hyper Library on Linux

The Tableau Hyper is Tableau's in-memory data engine technology optimized for fast data load and analytical query processing on large or complex data sets.

Install tabcmd

To install tabcmd on a Linux machine ensure that the following prerequisites are met.

  • Python3 and Pip3
  • Root privileges
  • Uninstall any existing tabcmd versions. Use the appropriate uninstallation process based on your operating system.


  1. Log in as Root user using the sudo -s command:
  2. Confirm that you are logged in as the root user by executing whoami

    The output displaysroot

  3. Install pip3 (Python 3 package manager) if not installed already.

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt install python3-pip

  4. Verify the installation using the pip3 --versioncommand.
  5. Install tabcmd. You can install the latest version of tabcmd using pip3:pip3 install tabcmd

Next steps

  1. Verify the installation.
  2. Check the tabcmd version using the following command to ensure it's correctly installed:

    tabcmd --version

    The output displays:

    Tableau Server Command Line Utility v2.0.14


To check the location of the installed tabcmd executable, run which tabcmd

The expected path should be: /usr/local/bin/tabcmd

After installing tabcmd, verify that you can successfully log in to Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud using the following commands:

  • Basic authentication: Log in using username and password:

    tabcmd login -s <> -t mysite -u [email protected] -p password

  • Personal Access Token: Log in using the access token:

    tabcmd login --server “" --site "examplesite" --token-name "tokenname" --token-value "exampletoken"

Tip: Log Files: The tabcmd.log file records the details of your tabcmd actions. It is included in the directory where the tabcmd program is running.

Install Tableau Hyper Library

The Tableau Hyper library is required to support operations involving Tableau Hyper files.
Important: The Tableau Hyper lib setup must be done in Groundplex, as it is not compatible with pipelines running in Cloudplex.


  1. Download and extract the Hyper library.
    1. Download the Tableau Hyper library zip file: wget
    2. Extract the downloaded file using this command: unzip
  2. Move the extracted lib/hyper directory to a location accessible by the root user: mv lib/ /home/
            | |--hyperdstarter
            | |--hyperd
  3. Set the TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS environment variable. You can set up the hyper lib using either of the following methods:
Method 1: Temporary setup Method 2: Permanent setup
  1. Set the TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS environment variable for the current session: export TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS="/home/lib"
  2. Verify the setup by checking the value of the variable:


    The output should display /home/lib.

  3. Restart the Snaplex node and validate that the Tableau Hyper pipeline is running successfully.
  1. Edit the /etc/environment file to permanently add the environment variable: sudo nano /etc/environment
  2. Add the following line: TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS="/home/lib"
  3. After saving the file, run source /etc/environment
  4. Verify that the variable is correctly set: echo $TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS

    It should display /home/lib.

    Note: If the TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS value does not reflect the change, log out and log in again to your machine for the changes to take effect.

  5. Restart the Snaplex node and validate the Tableau Hyper pipeline is running successfully.