Edit a data pipeline

From the SnapLogic AutoSync dashboard you can edit data pipelines that you created or are shared with you. The Edit screen groups configuration in three tabs:

  • Endpoints: If you have permission to access the endpoint credentials, you can:
    • Change the Groundplex to run the integration for on-premises endpoints
    • Select different credentials.
    • Add new credentials.
    • Change the source tables or destination schema.
  • Auto synchronize: Change the load type or synchronization schedule.
  • Transformations: Change the columns to load or null handling.
    CAUTION: Before editing a transformation, consider how it will affect existing data in the destination.

To edit a data pipeline:

  1. From the Autosync dashboard, find the pipeline you want to edit and do one of the following:
    • From the card view, double-click the card or click the pen icon.
    • From the list view, select the data pipeline and hover on the right side. Click the pen icon
    • From either view, click the data pipeline to open the details panel and click Edit.
    The Edit data pipeline screen opens:

  2. Edit the endpoints or select the Groundplex (only for integrations with an on-premises source or target)
  3. Select the Auto synchronize or Transformations tab to edit:

    Learn more about:

  4. Click Save.
Edits to a data pipeline that change the source endpoint or the tables to load can impact configured transformations. Select the Transformations tab. AutoSync informs you about the change:
Refresh transformation preview data

Click Refresh to update the preview and review the transformation configuration.