Create, add, and run the thread

This example pipeline demonstrates how to create a thread, add the message to the specified thread, and run it to get results.

  1. Configure the Create Thread Snap to create a thread. The Snap generates an id for the thread in the output.
    Create Thread configuration Create Thread output

    Create Thread Snap configuration

    Create Thread Snap output

  2. Configure the Mapper Snap to pass the thread_id generated by the Create Thread Snap.

    Mapper Snap configuration

  3. Configure the Add Message Snap to add the message to the specified thread.

    On validation, the Snap displays the added message.

    Add Message Snap configuration Add Message Snap output

    Add Message Snap configuration

    Add Message Snap output

  4. Configure the Mapper Snap to pass the thread_id to the downstream Run Thread Snap to run the added thread.

    Mapper Snap configuration

  5. Configure the Run Thread Snap to run the thread to get the results.

    On validation, the Snap displays the result for the prompt you provided in the Create Thread Snap.

    Run Thread Snap configuration Run Thread Snap output

    Run Thread Snap configuration

    Run Thread Snap output

To successfully reuse pipelines:
  1. Download and import the pipeline in to the SnapLogic Platform.
  2. Configure Snap accounts, as applicable.
  3. Provide pipeline parameters, as applicable.