Beta app gateway for on-premises Git providers

Use of the SnapLogic app gateway with a Groundplex enables secure communication between the control plane and an on-premises Git provider. You enable the app gateway by adding a Global property to the Groundplex with a custom URL value.

Use of the beta app gateway with a Groundplex enables secure communication between the control plane and an on-premises Git provider. You enable the app gateway by adding a Global property to the Groundplex with a custom URL value.

The app gateway establishes secure WebSocket connections between your Groundplex and the SnapLogic control plane. The following shows the OAuth2 flow when using self-managed GitLab. The same flow applies to GHES.

Oauth2 flow when using GitLab

App gateway URL

To enable the control plane to communicate through the Groundplex to an on-premises Git provider, add a Global property to the Groundplex. The<git-provider> Global property defines the app gateway URL. The app gateway URL references your SnapLogic environment, the app name for your Git provider, and the app gateway domain and port number in the following format:


Substitute the appropriate values to build in the URL:

  • org: Your environment (Org) name without hyphens (-). For example: myenterprise-qa-test should be passed as myenterpriseqatest.
  • location: The location of your Groundplex. Always sidekick.
  • environment: The value in the Environment field in your Groundplex Snaplex Settings tab.
  • appname: The app name for the Git provider. One of: gitlab, for self-managed GitLab, or github for GHES.
  • controlplanename: The control plane that hosts your environment and the app gateway port number:
    • Production:
    • UAT:
    • EMEA:

For example, with an environment named test and a Groundplex with an Environment value of dev, the gateway URL would be as follows: