Define cache duration for WSDL and XSD

Configuring the cache duration for WSDL (Web Services Description Language) and XSD (XML Schema Definition) files optimizes the performance of SOAP-based Snap Packs. Caching these resources reduces the need to fetch them repeatedly, thus improving the efficiency of your data integration tasks. The following are the methods to define and modify the cache duration for WSDL and XSD files in SnapLogic.

Note: Setting the cache duration to "0" is not recommended because it disables the cache completely. This can lead to severe performance issues, especially for complex WSDLs. For example, if a WSDL includes the same core XSD files from multiple other XSD files, like the NetSuite WSDL. It would load core.xsd file to be loaded at least 15 times through various paths that depend on the core definitions.

Define Cache Duration in SnapLogic Manager

If your Snaplex uses the slpropz file, you can set the cache duration in SnapLogic Manager. Confirm that the global properties file jcc.slpropz is available in your Snaplex's snaplogic/etc folder.

  1. In the Update Snaplex dialog, Node Properties tab, add the global property,
    jcc.jvm_options =
    where nnn is the cache duration in minutes. For example, to decrease the cache duration to 1 minute, specify the Value as Snaplex - Global Properties
  2. Click Update. This updates the cache duration and restarts the Snaplex with the new setting.

Specify the Cache Duration in the file

You can manually modify the cache duration in the file in your local SnapLogic environment.

  1. Access the /etc folder in your SnapLogic installation.
    • For a Linux installation, enter the following command in the Terminal.

      cd $SL_ROOT/etc

    • For a Windows installation, enter the following command in the command prompt:

      cd %SL_ROOT%\etc

  2. Open the file.
  3. Add the following entry:

    jcc.jvm_options =

  4. Save the file and restart the Snaplex to update the cache duration.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

  • If changes to WSDL or XSD files are not reflected immediately, ensure that the cache duration is set appropriately. Consider reducing the cache duration temporarily for testing purposes.
  • Verify that the properties in the file are correctly formatted and saved. Incorrect syntax can prevent the Snaplex node from applying the new settings.
  • If the Snaplex node does not restart properly after changes, check the node logs for errors related to the file or the cache settings.