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View schedules
You can view information about your Scheduled Tasks in Classic Manager in either an
agenda or calendar view. The tasks only those to which you have access display.
To view information in the Agenda view, click Agenda to
view a list of tasks scheduled to run for the date shown on the left. In the
Agenda view, you can:
Expand individual tasks to view the details such as the user created
task, its Project and the Snaplex. You can also edit the task and view the
Execution Statistics for the task from this
Click Expand all and Collapse
all to toggle the information displayed for all
Click the previous and next arrows to view seven days before and after
Click Today to see tasks before
Now, your current time, and after
To view information on the Calendar view, click Month.
In this view, you can:
Click the individual task to view the details such as the user created
the task, its Project and the Snaplex. You can also edit the task or view
the Execution Statistics for the task.
If a day's tasks exceed the calendar's display limit, click the
+ more link to view the complete list of tasks
for that day.
Click Today to bring you back to the current