Data Lineage Collection

The SnapLogic Data Lineage Collection subscription feature traces the data flow in executing pipelines from start to finish. The lineages API returns results in the OpenLineage standard. To analyze data lineage graphically, supply the results from the API to a tool that supports OpenLineage, such as Atlan, Collibra, Marquez, or Open Metadata.

The increased visibility from data lineage makes it easier to:

  • Identify and fix data quality issues
  • Perform impact analysis
  • Reduce technical debt
  • Enforce regulatory compliance

Analysis and remediation results in trustworthy data, more efficient use of resources, and increased alignment with business goals.

Currently, a subset of Snaps support lineage collection. In environments enabled for data lineage, the lineages API returns lineage from pipelines that use the supported Snaps.

The following topics describe: