Configure endpoints

SnapLogic AutoSync requires information, including credentials, to connect to the appropriate account in your source and destination endpoints. Company policy might limit access to this information. For example, you might have your own account for an endpoint or you might share an account with other users in your department. Some accounts might be for testing, and others are for production. To support confidential storage and sharing of account information, sensitive values are encrypted. The information can be created in AutoSync as credentials or in an IIP Account asset.

The difference between credentials and accounts

  • AutoSync saves credentials using the label as a name. The credential creator can optionally share the credentials with everyone or with a group of users. Environment admins (Org admins) create user groups.
  • You can save connection information as assets called Accounts in Designer or Classic Manager. In Classic Manager, there are several ways to create Accounts:
    • On the Manager AutoSync Manager screen, Environment admins can create accounts for specific users or to be shared in a user group. Refer to the administration Overview for more details.
    • In the global shared folder, users and Environment Admins can create Accounts. If AutoSync supports the Account type, it will be available for all AutoSync users.

The following examples compare credentials created in AutoSync with an account created in Designer:

Compare credentials and Account

Tip: We recommend that Environment Admins use AutoSync Manager when creating accounts in Classic Manager, because it limits creation to the types that AutoSync supports.

To simplify credential creation, AutoSync doesn't expose all of the properties available for each endpoint. For example, the Azure Synapse SQL Account type includes settings for batch size, pool size, and timeout. AutoSync Azure Synapse credentials use the default values. If you need to set these properties to something other than the default, do so by creating the account in AutoSync Manager.

Credential management in AutoSync

In AutoSync, you can:


Designer and Classic Manager provide multiple account types for most endpoints and not all types are compatible with AutoSync. When you create or edit a data pipeline, the existing credentials list only includes compatible Accounts.

The individualendpoint pages list the valid account types.

Sharing credentials and data pipelines

Members of a group can share data pipelines and credentials with other group members. Environment admins can:

  • Create user groups for sharing.
  • Add and remove AutoSync users from a user group.
  • Create Accounts for a specific user or for those in a user group to share.

Learn more about managing AutoSync users and user groups.

As described above, when configuring endpoints in the AutoSync wizard, Accounts and credentials shared globally or with a group you belong to are available for selection. To share credentials that you create in AutoSync, select how to share them from the optional Share dropdown:

Share credentials

  • The Global shared location makes credentials available to all AutoSync and IIP users in your Environment.
  • The other entries in the example are User groups. Contact an Environment admin to find out which colleagues belong to a specific group.
Important: Before sharing pipelines and credentials with individuals or groups, check your organization's governance policy to ensure that only authorized users get access to endpoints.

For more information about sharing data pipelines, refer to Share a data pipeline.

Cloud and on-premises endpoints

Many databases have both cloud and on-premises versions. To connect to on-premises endpoints, you must have a Groundplex as described in Connect to on-premises endpoints. The AutoSync Snaplex can connect to cloud endpoints.