Task details


Tasks provide a way to execute Pipelines in a reusable manner. You can view Task information (such as run policy, path, and permissions) from an admin perspective. You can also access information about pipeline runtimes along with their statistics useful for analysis.

The display of information depends on the following types of Tasks:
  • ScheduledScheduled Task Details
  • TriggeredTriggered Task Details
  • UltraUltra Pipeline Task Details

View information about a task

To view information about a Task:

  1. Navigate to the target Project where the Task resides.
  2. Hover over the Task name and click to open the menu, then select Details. The Task Details page appears.Asset Task Details
  3. See the Details Reference for a description of information displayed on the Details page. Alternatively, click Activity Log to see when the Task is created or modified.

    Since the Pipelines executed by Tasks are run in an unattended mode, you can receive notifications of Task activity. It's a comma-separated list of email addresses in the Create Task dialog. If you are on the Tasks page under a project, the list displays the type of Task in the Run Policy column. This column isn't available on the project-level page.

    Note: If a Task fails to start with the same reason for multiple times in a row, then subsequent skips are not displayed on the Task details page.

Details Reference

The Details page provides information about your Tasks.

The Task header is composed of the name of the Task and its status, which includes the following Task status types:
  • Enabled: Indicates that the Task is set to Enabled in Classic Manager and, therefore executable.
  • Disabled: Indicates that the Task is set to Disabled in Classic Manager and cannot be executed in its current status.
Task Information
  • Project: The name of the Project where the Task resides.
  • Snaplex Type: The type of Snaplex:
    • Groundplex: A Triggered Task that runs on a Groundplex.
    • Cloudplex: A Triggered Task that runs on a Cloudplex.
  • Run Policy: The type of run policy:
    • Ultra
    • Scheduled (including date and recurrence details).
    • Triggered
  • Runs: The number of times that the Task has been invoked.
  • Owner: The creator of the Task.
  • Next scheduled run time: The next time the Pipeline is scheduled to run (for Scheduled Tasks only.
  • Notes: Notes entered by the creator of the Task.
URL Information
  • Cloud URL: This URL is displayed for Triggered Tasks only. Click the copy icon ( ) to copy it.
  • HTTP Endpoint #0: The Ultra Task URL for the load balancer (if deployed) to the Cloud URL. Click the copy icon ( ) to copy it.
  • HTTP Header: The authorization token displays for Triggered and Ultra Tasks only.
  • Debug Traces: This option appears if selected in the Create/Edit Task dialog. Click Open Trace Directory to open debugging messages.
  • Snaplex URL: This option executes the Triggered Task on the Snaplex that receives the request regardless of what Snaplex is configured on the task. The URL is required for high availability (HA). Click the copy icon ( ) to copy it.
  • Alternate URL: The URL for the Groundplex or a Cloudplex with a Load Balancer. Click the copy icon ( ) to copy it. When an alternate URL is triggered, the Task is executed on the Snaplex to match the configuration. If there is no match, the request fails.
  • Callback URL (Policy Configuration): The URL the OAuth application redirects to after successful authentication. Click the copy icon ( ) to copy it. A callback URL is used for Generic OAuth2 Authorization code flow policies that use a callback URL as part of the OAuth flow.
  • Execution Status
    • Task Status: The run status of the pipeline. For example, new tasks that do not start by design are represented accurately by the Not Started status.
    • Create Time: When the task was created.
    • Details: Click the Details link to see the specific details for that run, including username, Snaplex, Runtime ID (RUUID), and run status. Clicking the pipeline RUUID opens that pipeline in Designer.
  • Download the CA certificate for your SnapLogic Org: Click this to download the certificate.