
An overview of Snaplexes (both Cloudplex and Groundplex).


A Snaplex is the data processing engine of the SnapLogic Intelligent Integration Platform (IIP).

Snaplexes are used throughout the SnapLogic Platform to perform the following functions:
  • Standard, Resumable, and Ultra Pipelines
  • Triggered Task and Scheduled Tasks
  • SnapLogic APIs and Proxies
  • API Policies in APIM and Tasks in Manager
  • AutoSync integrations

Snaplex Types

Snaplogic supports two types of Snaplexes:
  • Cloudplex. Managed and provisioned by SnapLogic.
  • Groundplex. Managed and provisioned by you. A Groundplex can be set up on-premises or in the cloud.
Type of Snaplex Advantages Disadvantages

Snaplex managed by SnapLogic (Cloudplex)

  • No infrastructure overhead
  • Minimal administrative tasks required
  • Flexibility in deployment
  • FeedMaster nodes are configured with load balancers
  • No support for customization
  • Scaling requires that SnapLogic provision more Cloudplexes
  • Only endpoints reachable over the public internet are accessible from Cloudplexes

Self-managed (Groundplex)

  • Customized configurations supported
  • Choice of security implementation and network communication
  • Flexibility in choice of node resources
  • Can access private endpoints which are not reachable over the public internet
  • Allows for data processing closer to the source/target endpoints which have specific performance and security benefits
  • Requires administrative oversight
  • Setup requires planning

Snaplex architecture

The Snaplex represents the Data plane in the SnapLogic Platform. A Snaplex comprises of:
  • One or more JCC nodes
  • Load balancer
  • FeedMaster

The following diagram illustrates the data flow in the SnapLogic architecture for both types of Snaplexes and the relationship between the Control Plane and the Data Plane.

Diagram showing data flow in the SnapLogic architecture

Note: When you access the SnapLogic feature through the UI or the Public APIs, you are communicating with the control plane.

Load balancing algorithm

Depending on the number of active threads, the load-balancing algorithm sends the execution requests to nodes with the lightest loads first. If multiple nodes have similar light loads, the algorithm randomly selects a node among them and sends the execution request to it.


To perform most administrative tasks in a Snaplex, you must be an Environment admin. For a Groundplex, you also need admin access to your on-premises network. Learn more at SnapLogic Platform overview


You can monitor Snaplexes from the SnapLogic Monitor.