Platform libraries

This section is for Snap developers or users who upload their own JAR files (for use as part of a JDBC account definition).

The Snap Pack or the JAR files can not contain any of the provided platform libraries (refer to Provided Platform Dependencies).

Building Snap Packs

The Snap Pack's pom file must exclude any of the listed libraries if they are brought in by a 3rd-party library. If they are needed by the Snap Pack itself as a first class dependency, then the provided scope can be used.

An easy way to quickly verify the JAR files is to look at the /target directory and open the Snap ZIP file after it was built with mvn clean install. The ZIP file will show all the libraries that were brought in during the build. If any of the libraries are listed in the Provided Platform Dependencies section, then they must be excluded using the exclusion tag.

This link can be used to determine if any of the listed libraries are brought in by the 3rd-party libraries which are part of the Snap Pack.

As an example, org.apache.axis2 would bring in its own commons-logging library. Below we exclude it since it is provided by the platform.


Building custom JAR files

Custom JAR files that are being used as part of the Snap Pack's accounts must ensure that none of the listed dependencies are brought in, and hence must be removed from the JAR file.

Provided platform dependencies

    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "cascading",
      "artifactId": "cascading-core",
      "version": "2.6.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "cascading",
      "artifactId": "cascading-hadoop2-mr1",
      "version": "2.6.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "cascading",
      "artifactId": "cascading-local",
      "version": "2.6.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "cascading",
      "artifactId": "cascading-test",
      "version": "2.0.8"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "cascading",
      "artifactId": "cascading-xml",
      "version": "2.6.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.amazonaws",
      "artifactId": "aws-java-sdk",
      "version": "1.9.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.ebay",
      "artifactId": "cascading-hive",
      "version": "0.0.3-SNAPSHOT"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.fasterxml.jackson.core",
      "artifactId": "jackson-annotations",
      "version": "2.0.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.fasterxml.jackson.core",
      "artifactId": "jackson-core",
      "version": "2.0.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.fasterxml.jackson.core",
      "artifactId": "jackson-databind",
      "version": "2.0.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype",
      "artifactId": "jackson-datatype-joda",
      "version": "2.1.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.fasterxml.uuid",
      "artifactId": "java-uuid-generator",
      "version": "3.1.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "",
      "artifactId": "jsr305",
      "version": "2.0.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "",
      "artifactId": "guava",
      "version": "14.0.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "",
      "artifactId": "guice",
      "version": "4.0-beta5"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "",
      "artifactId": "guice-parent",
      "version": "4.0-beta5"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "",
      "artifactId": "guice-assistedinject",
      "version": "4.0-beta5"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "",
      "artifactId": "guice-multibindings",
      "version": "4.0-beta5"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "",
      "artifactId": "guice-servlet",
      "version": "4.0-beta5"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.googlecode.cqengine",
      "artifactId": "cqengine",
      "version": "1.0.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.googlecode.grep4j",
      "artifactId": "grep4j",
      "version": "1.8.7"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.googlecode.jmockit",
      "artifactId": "jmockit",
      "version": "0.999.17",
     "scope": "test"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.googlecode.lambdaj",
      "artifactId": "lambdaj",
     "version": "2.3.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.h2database",
      "artifactId": "h2",
     "version": "1.4.182"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.jayway.jsonpath",
      "artifactId": "json-path",
      "version": "0.8.6"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.jcraft",
      "artifactId": "jsch",
      "version": "0.1.51"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.jolbox",
      "artifactId": "bonecp",
      "version": "0.8.0-fix1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.lmax",
      "artifactId": "disruptor",
      "version": "3.2.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.mchange",
      "artifactId": "c3p0",
      "version": ""
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.ning",
      "artifactId": "async-http-client",
      "version": "1.8.11"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jcc",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jcommon",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jexpression",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jfs",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jgroundproxy",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jpipe",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jruby",
      "version": "1.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jschema",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jsdk",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jSnapi",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jutils",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "jutils",
      "type": "test-jar",
      "scope": "test",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "mrjob",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "mrjob",
      "classifier": "Snapreduce",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.Snaplogic",
      "artifactId": "yplex",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.sun.jersey",
      "artifactId": "jersey-client",
      "version": "1.9"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.thoughtworks.xstream",
      "artifactId": "xstream",
      "version": "1.4.2"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.yammer.metrics",
      "artifactId": "metrics-annotation",
      "version": "2.1.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.yammer.metrics",
      "artifactId": "metrics-core",
      "version": "2.1.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.yammer.metrics",
      "artifactId": "metrics-graphite",
      "version": "2.1.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.yammer.metrics",
      "artifactId": "metrics-log4j",
      "version": "2.1.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "com.yammer.metrics",
      "artifactId": "metrics-servlet",
      "version": "2.1.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-beanutils",
      "artifactId": "commons-beanutils",
      "version": "1.8.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-beanutils",
      "artifactId": "commons-beanutils-core",
      "version": "1.8.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-cli",
      "artifactId": "commons-cli",
      "version": "1.2"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-codec",
      "artifactId": "commons-codec",
      "version": "1.8"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-collections",
      "artifactId": "commons-collections",
      "version": "3.2.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-configuration",
      "artifactId": "commons-configuration",
      "version": "1.6"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-fileupload",
      "artifactId": "commons-fileupload",
      "version": "1.2.2"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-httpclient",
      "artifactId": "commons-httpclient",
      "version": "3.0.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-io",
      "artifactId": "commons-io",
      "version": "2.4"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-lang",
      "artifactId": "commons-lang",
      "version": "2.6"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-logging",
      "artifactId": "commons-logging",
      "version": "1.1.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-net",
      "artifactId": "commons-net",
      "version": "3.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-validator",
      "artifactId": "commons-validator",
      "version": "1.4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "commons-vfs",
      "artifactId": "commons-vfs",
      "version": "1.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "de.odysseus.staxon",
      "artifactId": "staxon",
      "version": "1.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "de.undercouch",
      "artifactId": "bson4jackson",
      "version": "2.0.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "javax.inject",
      "artifactId": "javax.inject",
      "version": "1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "javax.jms",
      "artifactId": "javax.jms-api",
      "version": "2.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "javax.mail",
      "artifactId": "mail",
      "version": "1.4.7"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "javax.servlet",
      "artifactId": "jsp-api",
      "version": "2.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "javax.servlet",
      "artifactId": "servlet-api",
      "version": "2.5",
      "scope": "provided"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "jcifs",
      "artifactId": "jcifs",
      "version": "1.3.17"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "jdom",
      "artifactId": "jdom",
      "version": "1.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "joda-time",
      "artifactId": "joda-time",
      "version": "2.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "junit",
      "artifactId": "junit",
      "version": "4.11",
      "scope": "test"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "log4j",
      "artifactId": "log4j",
      "version": "1.2.17"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "mysql",
      "artifactId": "mysql-connector-java",
      "version": "5.1.29"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "net.bull.javamelody",
      "artifactId": "javamelody-core",
      "version": "1.43.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "net.minidev",
      "artifactId": "json-smart",
      "version": "1.1.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "net.sf.json-lib",
      "artifactId": "json-lib",
      "version": "2.4",
      "classifier": "jdk15"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "net.sf.opencsv",
      "artifactId": "opencsv",
      "version": "2.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "net.sourceforge.saxon",
      "artifactId": "saxon",
      "version": ""
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "net.sourceforge.saxon",
      "artifactId": "saxon",
      "version": "",
      "classifier": "dom"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.antlr",
      "artifactId": "antlr",
      "version": "3.4"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.antlr",
      "artifactId": "antlr-runtime",
      "version": "3.4"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.antlr",
      "artifactId": "antlr4",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.antlr",
      "artifactId": "antlr4-runtime",
      "version": "4.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.activemq",
      "artifactId": "activemq-all",
      "version": "5.10.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.commons",
      "artifactId": "commons-lang3",
      "version": "3.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.commons",
      "artifactId": "commons-math",
      "version": "2.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.commons",
      "artifactId": "commons-math3",
      "version": "3.2"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.commons",
      "artifactId": "commons-pool2",
      "version": "2.2"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.hadoop",
      "artifactId": "hadoop-client",
      "version": "2.5.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.hadoop",
      "artifactId": "hadoop-common",
      "version": "2.5.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.hadoop",
      "artifactId": "hadoop-hdfs",
      "version": "2.5.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.hadoop",
      "artifactId": "hadoop-yarn-client",
      "version": "2.5.0",
      "exclusions": {
        "exclusion": [
            "groupId": "tomcat",
            "artifactId": "jasper-compiler"
            "groupId": "tomcat",
            "artifactId": "jasper-runtime"
            "groupId": "com.sun.jersey",
            "artifactId": "jersey-core"
            "groupId": "org.slf4j",
            "artifactId": "slf4j-log4j12"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.hadoop",
      "artifactId": "hadoop-yarn-common",
      "version": "2.5.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.hive",
      "artifactId": "hive-exec",
      "version": "0.13.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.httpcomponents",
      "artifactId": "httpclient",
      "version": "4.2.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.httpcomponents",
      "artifactId": "httpcore",
      "version": "4.2.2"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.logging.log4j",
      "artifactId": "log4j-1.2-api",
      "version": "2.0-rc1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.logging.log4j",
      "artifactId": "log4j-api",
      "version": "2.0-rc1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.logging.log4j",
      "artifactId": "log4j-core",
      "version": "2.0-rc1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.logging.log4j",
      "artifactId": "log4j-jcl",
      "version": "2.0-rc1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.logging.log4j",
      "artifactId": "log4j-jcl",
      "version": "2.0-rc1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.logging.log4j",
      "artifactId": "log4j-slf4j-impl",
      "version": "2.0-rc1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.apache.velocity",
      "artifactId": "velocity",
      "version": "1.7"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.bouncycastle",
      "artifactId": "bcprov-jdk15on",
      "version": "1.49"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.codehaus.woodstox",
      "artifactId": "woodstox-core-asl",
      "version": "4.2.0",
      "exclusions": {
        "exclusion": [
            "groupId": "xml-apis",
            "artifactId": "xml-apis"
            "groupId": "xerces",
            "artifactId": "xmlParserAPIs"
            "groupId": "xalan",
            "artifactId": "xalan"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.dbunit",
      "artifactId": "dbunit",
      "version": "2.4.8",
      "scope": "test"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.easymock",
      "artifactId": "easymock",
      "version": "3.1",
      "scope": "test"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.eclipse.jetty",
      "artifactId": "jetty-http",
      "version": "9.1.1.v20140108"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.eclipse.jetty",
      "artifactId": "jetty-server",
      "version": "9.1.1.v20140108"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.eclipse.jetty",
      "artifactId": "jetty-servlet",
      "version": "9.1.1.v20140108"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.eclipse.jetty",
      "artifactId": "jetty-util",
      "version": "9.1.1.v20140108"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.eclipse.jetty",
      "artifactId": "jetty-webapp",
      "version": "9.1.1.v20140108"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket",
      "artifactId": "websocket-api",
      "version": "9.1.1.v20140108"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket",
      "artifactId": "websocket-server",
      "version": "9.1.1.v20140108"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket",
      "artifactId": "websocket-servlet",
      "version": "9.1.1.v20140108"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.glassfish.external",
      "artifactId": "jmxremote_optional-repackaged",
      "version": "3.1.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.glassfish.grizzly",
      "artifactId": "grizzly-framework",
      "version": "2.3.14"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.glassfish.grizzly",
      "artifactId": "grizzly-http",
      "version": "2.3.14"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.glassfish.grizzly",
      "artifactId": "grizzly-websockets",
      "version": "2.3.14"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.hamcrest",
      "artifactId": "hamcrest-all",
      "version": "1.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.hamcrest",
      "artifactId": "hamcrest-core",
      "version": "1.3",
      "scope": "test"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.jboss.resteasy",
      "artifactId": "async-http-servlet-3.0",
      "version": "3.0.6.Final"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.jboss.resteasy",
      "artifactId": "jaxrs-api",
      "version": "3.0.6.Final"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.jboss.resteasy",
      "artifactId": "resteasy-guice",
      "version": "3.0.6.Final"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.jboss.resteasy",
      "artifactId": "resteasy-jackson-provider",
      "version": "3.0.6.Final"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.jboss.resteasy",
      "artifactId": "resteasy-jaxb-provider",
      "version": "3.0.6.Final"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.jboss.resteasy",
      "artifactId": "resteasy-jaxrs",
      "version": "3.0.6.Final"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.jolokia",
      "artifactId": "jolokia-core",
      "version": "1.2.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.jooq",
      "artifactId": "jooq",
      "version": "3.1.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.jooq",
      "artifactId": "jooq-meta",
      "version": "3.1.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.mapdb",
      "artifactId": "mapdb",
      "version": "1.0.1"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.ow2.easywsdl",
      "artifactId": "easywsdl-ext-wsdl4complexwsdl",
      "version": "2.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.ow2.easywsdl",
      "artifactId": "easywsdl-schema",
      "version": "2.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.ow2.easywsdl",
      "artifactId": "easywsdl-wsdl",
      "version": "2.3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.python",
      "artifactId": "jython-standalone",
      "version": "2.7-b3"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.scribe",
      "artifactId": "scribe",
      "version": "1.3.2"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.slf4j",
      "artifactId": "slf4j-api",
      "version": "1.7.7"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "org.supercsv",
      "artifactId": "supercsv",
      "version": "1.52"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "oro",
      "artifactId": "oro",
      "version": "2.0.8"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "postgresql",
      "artifactId": "postgresql",
      "version": "8.4-702.jdbc4"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "spiffy",
      "artifactId": "spiffy",
      "version": "0.05"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "stax",
      "artifactId": "stax",
      "version": "1.2.0"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "xerces",
      "artifactId": "xmlParserAPIs",
      "version": "2.6.2"
    "dependency": {
      "groupId": "xom",
      "artifactId": "xom",
      "version": "1.2.5",
      "exclusions": {
        "exclusion": [
            "groupId": "xerces",
            "artifactId": "xercesImpl"
            "groupId": "xalan",
            "artifactId": "xalan"
            "groupId": "xml-apis",
            "artifactId": "xml-apis"