Amazon Athena Account


You can use this account type to establish a connection between Amazon Athena Snaps and Athena services that rely on the AWS credentials. By providing the necessary AWS credentials and configuration details, this account ensures that you gain access and query data stored in Amazon S3 using Amazon Athena.


  • An active AWS Account.
  • AWS Credentials.
  • IAM Permissions

Known issues

  • Athena Select Snap can fail with a connection error if the account is configured with an IAM role, and, Role ARN.
  • Athena Select Snap uses the Athena JDBC driver to retrieve data. When using a Cross-account IAM role, the JDBC connection expires based on the role's duration. Large datasets requiring more time than this duration are not supported.

Account settings

Amazon Athena Settings

  • Expression icon (): JavaScript syntax to access SnapLogic Expressions to set field values dynamically (if enabled). If disabled, you can provide a static value. Learn more.
  • SnapGPT (): Generates SnapLogic Expressions based on natural language using SnapGPT. Learn more.
  • Suggestion icon (): Populates a list of values dynamically based on your Account configuration.
  • Upload : Uploads files. Learn more.
Learn more about the icons in the Snap settings dialog.
Field / field set Type Description
Label String

Required. Specify a unique label for the account.

Default value: N/A

Example: Amazon Athena account
Authentication type Dropdown list Specify the method of authentication to connect with Amazon Athena.
  • User credentials: Select this option to use AWS Access Key ID, Secret Key, and Security Token (if applicable) for authentication.
  • IAM role: Select this option to use an AWS IAM role for authentication. If this option is selected, the fields for Access Key ID, Secret Key, and Security Token will not be required.
    Important: This option is valid only for Groundplex nodes running in the EC2 environment.

Default value: User credentials

Example: IAM role
Access key ID String/Expression

Appears when User credentials is selected for Authentication type field.

Specify the unique Access Key ID associated with your AWS account. This field is required if User credentials is selected in the Authentication Type field.

Default value: N/A

Secret key String/Expression

Appears when User credentials is selected for Authentication type field.

Specify the secret key.

Default value: N/A

Example: Encrypted
Security token String/Expression

Appears when User credentials is selected for Authentication type field.

Specify the security token that is part of AWS Security Token Services (STS).

Default value: N/A

Example: Encrypted
Cross account IAM role Use this field set to configure the properties required to perform cross-account access. Learn more about setting up Cross Account IAM Role.
Role ARN String/Expression

Specify the Amazon Resource Name of the role to assume.

Default value: N/A

Example: arn:aws:iam::549039769623:role/snap-test
External ID String/Expression

Specify an external ID that might be required by the role to assume.

Default value: N/A

Example: 321f248c-8f4a-21be-87c4-184c9f8e2d03
Region String/Expression

Required. Specify the AWS region where your Amazon Athena service is activated.

Default value: N/A

Example: ap-east-1
Data catalog String/Expression/Suggestion

Required. Specify an Athena data catalog, that is a group of Athena databases.

Default value: N/A

Example: AWS Data Catalog
Workgroup String/Expression/Suggestion

Specify an Athena workgroup. Each workgroup stores saved queries and query history only for queries that were executed in it.

Default value: primary

Example: analytics-team-workgroup
S3 output location String/Expression

Required. Specify the Amazon S3 bucket and directory path where the results of your Athena queries will be stored. The location must be in the format s3://your-bucket-name/output/. Ensure the bucket has the necessary permissions for Athena to write query results.

Default value: N/A

Example: s3://my-athena-query-results/2025/02/
Encryption option String/Expression

Required. Specify the encryption method to secure S3 data. Available options are:

  • None
  • SSE_S3

Default value: None

Example: SSE_KMS
KMS key String/Expression

Appears when CSE_KMS or SSE_KMS is selected for Encryption option field.

Specify a valid KMS key.

Default value: N/A

Example: abcd1234-a567-8901-2345-67890abcdef


Failed to perform AssumeRole operation

The SnapLogic Plex is not running on an EC2 instance, or the IAM role attached to the EC2 instance lacks permissions to assume the cross-account IAM role.

Ensure the Plex is on an EC2 instance and the associated IAM role has sts:AssumeRole permissions for the target role in the trust policy.