System overview list view

Open the System overview from the Infrastructure link in the navigation pane. The default view displays graphs the Snaplex services and nodes. Click List view to switch to the Snaplex list:
List view

The list view includes the Snaplex version:

Snaplex list view

In the list view, you can:

  • Switch between viewing nodes and Snaplexes.
  • Click a node or Snaplex to view its details.
  • From the node list, start or restart a node or put it in maintenance mode. Hover over the right side of the row and click the gear icon.
  • From the Snaplex list, start or restart all nodes. Click the Snaplex to open its details and click the gear icon at the top right of the panel.
  • Resize the columns.
  • Sort by a column.

Click Node list to view more details such as the OS and how long the Snaplex service has been running:

Node list view