Manage table columns

Adjust column width by hovering in the header row to reveal the divider. Click advanced options Advanced filters and column preferences in the search box to add, remove or rearrange columns. Under Column preferences, the shaded pills indicate the visible columns:

  • Click a pill to show or hide a column.
  • Drag a pill to change its position in the table.

Advanced search options

Columns other than Task name and Pipeline name are optional.

By default the Execution overview table includes these columns:

  • Owner: The email of the user who created the pipeline or task.
  • Time started: The time the execution started.
  • Time completed: The time the execution completed.
  • Duration: The amount of time that the pipeline executed.
  • Status: An icon indicating the current execution status.
    Status icons

  • Documents: The number of documents processed. For a parent pipeline, each child might have its own count.
  • Actions: A menu with items to open the integration in Designer or AutoSync or copy the pipeline name. AutoSync child pipelines can't be opened in AutoSync, use the menu item on the parent instead.

You can also add the following columns to the table:

  • Invoker: The email address of the person who ran a Triggered Task or manually ran an AutoSync data pipeline.
  • Task name: The task name. For AutoSync data pipelines, the Task name is the same as the data pipeline name, followed by -scheduled.
  • Project: The Project Space and Project to which a pipeline belongs. Values in this column for AutoSync data pipelines include the owner name, preceded by autosync, such as autosync/[email protected].
  • RUUID: The runtime ID.
  • Snaplex/NodeThe Snaplex and node that executed the pipeline.