View task details

After you create and enable a Scheduled Task, you can view details about the Task.

  1. Open the Task Details page for your Scheduled Task by clicking View Details.
  2. On the Task Details page, view pipeline execution information for any scheduled instance by clicking the Run Details.
  3. Navigate to the Dashboard Pipeline Wall to monitor the scheduled execution of the Task.

Stop Scheduled Task

  1. Navigate to the target project folder with the Scheduled Task.
  2. In the Assets view, click Tasks on the Assets toolbar menu
  3. Select the target Scheduled Task, and then click Disable.
  4. Verify that the Task executions stopped:
    1. Place the cursor on the Task in the Assets view, and click to display the menu.
    2. Select View Details and view Task Status.

Edit Scheduled Task

To edit the Scheduled Task:

  1. In Classic Manager, select Scheduled Tasks from the Settings menu on the right.
  2. Click the Scheduled Task name to display the Update Task dialog window.
  3. Modify the configuration options, and click Update.
    Important: A Scheduled Task can take up to 10 minutes past the scheduled time to execute. If it misses that window, the Task does not execute.