Monitor Snaplexes and nodes

Snaplexes are the runtime engines that execute pipelines. Each Snaplex has one or more nodes that run on a separate host machine or virtual machine. Snaplexes can be one of three types:

  • Cloudplex—Managed by SnapLogic on your behalf.
  • Groundplex—Deployed and managed by your organization on a cloud or local network.
  • AutoSync Snaplex—A Cloudplex managed by SnapLogic for customers who have purchased AutoSync.

The System overview screen displays information about Snaplexes, nodes, and the hosts on which they run. The Metrics page contains more detailed graphs for a single node.

Open the System overview from the Infrastructure link in the navigation pane. The default view displays a node map of the Snaplexes in your environment. Snaplexes with no nodes are offline.

System overview

The Snaplex list view includes more details such as the version, CPU use, and memory use:

Snaplex list view

From the System overview page, you can:

  • Assess Snaplex status at a glance in the node map or list view.
  • Change the time period to view changes over time.
  • Monitor CPU, memory, and disk usage per node and per Snaplex.
  • In the node map view, hover over a node to view average use for the selected metric.
  • Click a node to open details, including:
    • Metrics.
    • Associated executions.
    • Additional details such as IP address, maximum threads and file descriptors, and URI.

The System overview and Metrics screens both show information about infrastructure usage, resource consumption, and system health. The table below summarizes the differences between the two screens.

Attributes Metrics System overview
Scope Single Snaplex node All Snaplexes and their nodes
Metrics reported Memory, CPU, and Disk utilization, system load, active pipelines and threads, and network traffic Memory, CPU, and Disk utilization
Type of visualization Plotted Color-coded average and maximum usage
System overview describes how to use the controls on this page. Metrics describes how to work with node charts.