Retrieve info about pipeline executions matching a filter

GET /runtime/{env_org}?{query_parameters}


This API retrieves information about pipeline executions that match the specified filters.


  • Read access to the requested assets


 GET https://{controlplane_path}/api/1/rest/public/runtime/{env_org}?{query_parameters}

Path Parameters

Key Description
controlplane_path Required. The path to the SnapLogic Control Plane.


For other control planes, substitute the subdomain name for elastic. For example:
env_org Required. The name of the SnapLogic Environment/Org.

Query Parameters

Note: If a timespan is not set, this API returns information about pipeline executions within the last hour.
Key Type Description
plex_label string Returns information about pipeline executions for the specified Snaplex.
cc_label string Returns information about pipeline executions for the specified CC label (JCC node’s hostname).
pipe_name string Returns information about the specified pipeline execution.
user_id string Returns information about pipeline executions triggered by the specified user.
state string Returns information about pipeline executions in the specified state.
Valid values:
  • Queued – Pipeline is queued for processing; all pipelines start in this state.
  • NoUpdate – Intermediate state at startup.
  • Prepared – Pipeline has been prepared.
  • Started – Pipeline has started running.
  • Completed – Pipeline has completed successfully.
  • Failing – Pipeline encountered an error and is waiting for Snaps to complete execution before moving to the Failed state.
  • Failed – Pipeline failed.
  • Stopped – Pipeline was stopped either by the user or by the system, as indicated by the "stopper" key.
  • Stopping – Pipeline is stopping.
  • Suspending – Resumable Pipeline encountered an error and is storing its state.
  • Suspended – Resumable Pipeline encountered an error and is suspended.
  • Resuming – Resumable Pipeline is loading its state and will resume execution where it left off.

Default: Started

invoker string Returns information about pipeline executions that were invoked in the specified way.
Valid values:
  • triggered – Triggered pipeline executions
  • scheduled – Scheduled pipeline executions
  • always_on – Ultra pipeline executions
  • manual – User-triggered pipeline executions

Default: scheduled

project_path string Returns information about pipeline executions for the specified project.
Allowed formats:
  • /{env_org}/projects/{project_name}
  • /{env_org}/shared
last_hours integer Returns information about pipeline executions within the specified number of hours, counting backward from the current time.

Valid values: 1 through 1080 hours (45 days)

Default: 1

start integer Returns information about pipeline executions since the specified time. Provide time as Unix time in milliseconds.
end integer Returns information about pipeline executions before the specified time. Provide time as Unix time in milliseconds.
limit integer Returns no more than the specified number of results. You can use limit and offset for pagination.

Valid values: 1 through 1,000

Default: 10

offset integer Returns a subset of the results starting at this 0-based index. You can use limit and offset for pagination.

Default: 0

Request Header

Specify Basic for authorization and application/json for content type.

Authorization: Basic {your_encoded_security_credentials}
Content-Type: application/json

Request Body



Response Body

Note: The results include:
  • Only the pipeline executions that you have permissions to view. Environment/Org admins can view all pipeline executions.
  • Up to 500 of the most recent runs of a child pipeline within a single run of the parent pipeline.
  "response_map": {
    "entries": [
        "pipe_id": "...",
        "has_lints": true,
        "documents": ...,
        "user_id": "...",
        "ccid": "...",
        "child_has_lints": true,
        "runtime_path_id":  "...",
        "parent_ruuid": "...",
        "subpipes": { ... },
        "state_timestamp": "...",
        "error_documents": ...,
        "label": "...",
        "path_id": "...",
        "state": "...",
        "create_time": "...",
        "invoker": "...",
        "duration": ...,
        "cc_label": "...",
        "id": "...",
        "runtime_label": "...",
        "mode": "..."
    "total": ...,
    "limit": ...,
    "offset": ...
  "http_status_code": 200
Key Type Description
entries array An array of objects containing metadata about each pipeline execution.
pipe_id string The ID of the pipeline.
has_lints Boolean
documents integer
user_id string The user who ran the pipeline.
ccid string The ID of the JCC node where the pipeline ran.
child_has_lints Boolean
runtime_path_id string The identifier of the Snaplex.

Format: {org}/rt/{snaplex-location}/{snaplex-environment}

parent_ruuid string The Runtime ID of the parent pipeline that triggered this child pipeline.
subpipes object
state_timestamp string
error_documents integer
label string The name of the pipeline.
path_id string
state string The status of the pipeline execution.
Valid values:
  • Queued – Pipeline is queued for processing; all pipelines start in this state.
  • NoUpdate – Intermediate state at startup.
  • Prepared – Pipeline has been prepared.
  • Started – Pipeline has started running.
  • Completed – Pipeline has completed successfully.
  • Failing – Pipeline encountered an error and is waiting for Snaps to complete execution before moving to the Failed state.
  • Failed – Pipeline failed.
  • Stopped – Pipeline was stopped either by the user or by the system, as indicated by the "stopper" key.
  • Stopping – Pipeline is stopping.
  • Suspending – Resumable Pipeline encountered an error and is storing its state.
  • Suspended – Resumable Pipeline encountered an error and is suspended.
  • Resuming – Resumable Pipeline is loading its state and will resume execution where it left off.
create_time string The time when the pipeline execution instance was created.

Format: UTC

invoker string The user who invoked the pipeline execution.
duration integer The length of time that the pipeline ran, expressed in milliseconds.
cc_label string
id string The ID of the pipeline execution.
runtime_label string The name of the pipeline.
mode string The mode of the pipeline execution.
Possible values:
  • standard
total integer The total number of results available.
limit integer The number of results returned.
offset integer The index of the first result returned.


  • To retrieve the status of executed Tasks within the Environment/Org for the last hour,
  • To retrieve the status of executed Tasks within the Environment/Org for a specified time range,
  • To retrieve the status of executed Tasks for the last 4 hours,