Cross Validator (Classification)


You can use this Snap to perform K-fold Cross Validation on a classification dataset. Cross validation is a technique for evaluating ML algorithms by splitting the original dataset into K equally-sized chunks. K is the number of folds. In each of the K iterations, K-1 chunks are used to train the model while the last chunk is used as a test set. The average accuracy and other statistics are computed to be used to select the most suitable algorithm for the dataset.

Cross Validator (Classification) Snap Settings


  • The data from upstream Snap must be in tabular format (no nested structure).
  • This Snap automatically derives the schema (field names and types) from the first document. Therefore, the first document must not have any missing values.

Limitations and known issues


Snap views

View Description Examples of upstream and downstream Snaps
Input This Snap has atmost one input view. File Reader
Output This Snap has atmost one output view. File Writer

Error handling is a generic way to handle errors without losing data or failing the Snap execution. You can handle the errors that the Snap might encounter when running the pipeline by choosing one of the following options from the When errors occur list under the Views tab. The available options are:

  • Stop Pipeline Execution Stops the current pipeline execution when an error occurs.
  • Discard Error Data and Continue Ignores the error, discards that record, and continues with the remaining records.
  • Route Error Data to Error View Routes the error data to an error view without stopping the Snap execution.

Learn more about Error handling in Pipelines.

Snap settings

  • Expression icon (): JavaScript syntax to access SnapLogic Expressions to set field values dynamically (if enabled). If disabled, you can provide a static value. Learn more.
  • SnapGPT (): Generates SnapLogic Expressions based on natural language using SnapGPT. Learn more.
  • Suggestion icon (): Populates a list of values dynamically based on your Account configuration.
  • Upload : Uploads files. Learn more.
Learn more about the icons in the Snap settings dialog.
Field / field set Type Description
Label String

Required. Specify a unique name for the Snap. Modify this to be more appropriate, especially if more than one of the same Snaps is in the pipeline.

Default value: Cross Validator (Classification)

Example: Predict customer name
Label field String/Suggestion Required.Specify the target or class field of the dataset that the model will use during the training process. This field represents the expected output values that the model learns to predict based on the input data. During inference, the model predicts this field as its output.

Default value: N/A

Example: $class
Algorithm String Required. Enter the classification algorithm that builds the model.

Default value: Decision Tree

Example: Naive Bayes
Options String/Expression

Specify the parameters to configure the selected algorithm. These options may include hyperparameters or specific settings that influence the algorithm's behavior.

Default value: N/A

Example: max_depth=5, criterion="gini"/>

Fold Integer/Expression Required. Enter the number of folds for cross-validation. This determines how the dataset is split for training and testing during model evaluation.

Default value: 5

Example: 10
Use Random Seed Checkbox When selected, it ensures reproducibility by setting a fixed random seed for model training and evaluation.

Default status: Deselected

Random Seed Integer/Expression Required. Specify the number used for initializing the random number generator to ensure reproducibility in model training.

Default value: 12345

Example: 500

Snap execution Dropdown list
Select one of the three modes in which the Snap executes. Available options are:
  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap and generates a data preview during pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during pipeline runtime.
  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during pipeline execution without generating preview data.
  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.

Default value: Validate & Execute

Example: Execute only

