Manage user groups

Org admins manage SnapLogic AutoSync user groups from the IIP Manager AutoSync Manager page. Members of a user group can share data pipelines, Accounts created in the IIP, and credentials created in AutoSync. User groups can also belong to other user groups.

Tip: Admins can also manage users, groups, and roles from Admin Manager. Learn more.
Important: Before sharing pipelines and credentials with individuals or groups, check your organization's governance policy to ensure that only authorized users get access to endpoints.

Add a new user group

From the IIP, add a new AutoSync user group:

  1. Click the Manager tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click AutoSync Manager.
  3. Click the User groups tab.
  4. Click the toolbar plus button.
  5. Enter a name.
    Tip: This name appears in the AutoSync wizard when a user selects existing credentials. Add the word group in the name to make it easier for users to find. For example, Marketing-group.
  6. Click Create.

Add or remove users or groups from a user group

From the IIP, add a user to a user group:

  1. Click the Manager tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click AutoSync Manager.
  3. Click the User groups tab.
  4. Click the group name.
  5. Click the Permissions tab.
  6. Click the toolbar plus button.
  7. Enter the user or group to add to the group.
  8. For Status, select the level of access the user should have to the Accounts in the group.
  9. Click Add.

Remove a user or group from a user group from the Permissions tab:

  1. Click the user or group to remove.
  2. Click the trash button on the right side of the row.

Add Account credentials for a user group

From the IIP, add connection configuration to a user group:

  1. Click the Manager tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click AutoSync Manager.
  3. Click the User groups tab.
  4. Click the group name.
  5. Click the toolbar plus button in the Accounts and credentials tab.
  6. In the Create Account dialog, select the type of endpoint. If the endpoint supports multiple Account types, select the type.
  7. Click Create.
  8. Enter the properties required to connect to the endpoint.
  9. Click Save and Validate.

The Account becomes available to all users in the group.