Configure the Groundplex nodes

After deploying a Groundplex as described in Install a Groundplex on Kubernetes, add the information to connect the otel-collector to the Groundplex nodes. You can use the name of the K8s service or the CLUSTER-IP:

  • The name won’t change on re-deployment, but the IP address can. Our example uses the name for this reason.
  • CLUSTER-IP is preferable if you plan to change the name of the service.

Find these values by executing the kubectl cluster-info command to view the services:

Kubernetes cluster info

  1. Open deployment.yaml and deployment-feed.yamlfrom the Groundplex installation helm_chart/templates directory. Add the following in the spec: containers: section.
    - name: OTEL_GRPC_URL 
      value: http://otel-collector:4317 
    - name: POD_IP 
        fieldPath: status.podIP 
      value: "k8s.pod.ip=$(POD_IP)" 
    - name: HOST_IP 
        fieldPath: status.hostIP
  2. Save the file.
  3. Execute the command to start the Groundplex nodes:
    helm install <snaplogic_name> <name of helm chart folder>
  4. Wait until the nodes spin up and are visible in SnapLogic Monitor.

Next, Observe in Datadog.