Configure the Groundplex nodes
Configure Groundplex nodes to connect to the OTEL daemonset.
After deploying a Groundplex as described in Install a Groundplex on Kubernetes, add the information to connect the
to the Groundplex nodes. You can use the name of the K8s service or
- The name won’t change on re-deployment, but the IP address can. Our example uses the name for this reason.
is preferable if you plan to change the name of the service.
Find these values by executing the kubectl cluster-info
command to view the
- Open deployment.yaml and deployment-feed.yamlfrom the
Groundplex installation helm_chart/templates directory. Add the following in
spec: containers:
section.- name: OTEL_GRPC_URL value: http://otel-collector:4317 - name: POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP - name: OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES value: "k8s.pod.ip=$(POD_IP)" - name: HOST_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.hostIP
- Save the file.
Execute the command to start the Groundplex nodes:
helm install <snaplogic_name> <name of helm chart folder>
- Wait until the nodes spin up and are visible in SnapLogic Monitor.
Next, Observe in Datadog.