Graph descriptions

Metrics graphs report the following information. The SnapLogic platform downsamples data to simplify the presentation. The table describes the graphs in alphabetic order:

Graph title Description
Active pipelines (count) The number of pipelines currently running on this node.
Active threads (count) The current number of live threads in the JVM. This includes both daemon and non-daemon threads.
Combined memory (GiB) The orange text and dotted line shows the amount of physical memory available on the selected node in gibibytes. The blue line indicates heap average usage added to the green line for non-heap memory average usage.
Disk utilization (%) The average percentage of space used on all available mounts.
File descriptor utilization (%) The average node use of the maximum number of configured file descriptors as a percentage. On Linux, file descriptors are used to open files and make network connections. Pipelines executions can encounter errors if the maximum number of descriptors isn't sufficient.
Heap memory utilization (% max, and GiB)

The average percentage of the heap space allocated and used by the Snaplex service on the selected node. The orange text shows the maximum size set for JVM heap memory in gibibytes. The blue line indicates the average amount of committed (allocated) heap memory. The gold line shows the average amount of space used for heap memory.

For Groundplexes, you can set the Max heap size when you create or update a Snaplex. Refer to the Java documentation for an explanation of the difference between heap and non-heap memory.

Network received (KiB/sec) The total amount of data coming in over the network to the Snaplex service measured in kibibytes per second.
Network sent (KiB/sec) The total amount of data sent over the network by the Snaplex service measured in kibibytes per second.
Non-heap memory (GiB)

The non-heap space allocated and used by the Snaplex service on the selected node in gibibytes. The green line indicates the average amount of committed heap memory. The gold line shows the average amount of space used for non-heap memory.

Refer to the Java documentation for an explanation of the difference between heap and non-heap memory.

Service CPU utilization (%) The average percentage of the node's CPU capacity used by the Snaplex service. The percentage reflects the CPU time used by Snaplex service process compared with the total CPU time available.
System load (unit)

Only for nodes running on Unix-based operating systems. Not visible for nodes on Windows operating systems.

CPUs used in the last minute or 1-minute load average. This shows the immediate demand on CPUs.

For example, in a system with 4 virtual CPUs:

  • A load value of 4.0 means average full use of all CPUs without any idle time or queue.
  • A load value of >4.0 suggests that processes are waiting for CPU time
  • A value <4.0 indicates that the node isn't fully loaded.
Total CPU utilization (%) The average percentage of node CPU capacity used over time by all processes running on the node. The percentage reflects active time compared with the total time available.

Statistic downsampling

Because metric statistics include high volumes, the SnapLogic Platform downsamples them for visual representation. The following table describes the default time granularity for the selectable time periods:

Time period Default time granularity
15 minutes 10s
1 hr 30s
2 hr 1m
4 hr 2m
12 hr 5m
1 day 10m
2 days 20m
1 wk 2 hrs
Max (45 days) 8 hrs