
Click Metrics in the Monitor navigation menu and select a node to view charts of key indicators. Use the charts to:

  • Analyze the behavior of a Snaplex node.
  • Improve Task scheduling by finding under-utilized and over-utilized time periods.
  • Troubleshoot performance issues by identifying usage spikes.
  • View trends and individual data points.
  • Zoom in on charts to focus on a shorter time period.
  • Expand a chart to determine which pipelines ran during a specific time period and view the execution details.
  • Review Snap statistics, pipeline logs, and pipeline parameters.
  • Download files for:
    • Chart values in JSON format.
    • Pipeline logs in JSON format.
    • Runtime details in CSV format.

The charts report the average value, maximum value and trends for the following metrics:

Chart Description
Total CPU utilization (%) Use of node CPU capacity over time by all processes running on the node. The percentage reflects active time compared to idle time.
Service CPU utilization (%) Use of the node CPU capacity by the Snaplex service. The percentage reflects the CPU time used by Snaplex service process compared with the total CPU time available.
System load (unit)

Only for nodes running on unix-based operating system. Not visible for nodes on Windows operating systems.

CPUs used in the last minute or 1-minute load average. This shows the immediate demand on CPUs.

For example, in a system with 4 virtual CPUs:

  • A load value of 4.0 means average full use of all CPUs without any idle time or queue.
  • A load value of >4.0 suggests that processes are waiting for CPU time
  • A value <4.0 indicates underutilization.
Service memory utilization (%) Heap space used by the Snaplex service. The percentage compares space used with the bytes allocated for the heap by the JVM.
Disk utilization (%) Disk mounts used by the node compared with those available.
File descriptor utilization (%) Node use of the maximum number of configured file descriptors as a percentage. On Linux, file descriptors are used to open files and make network connections. Pipelines executions can encounter errors if the maximum number of descriptors isn't sufficient.
Active threads (count) The current number of live threads in the JVM. This includes both daemon and non-daemon threads.
Active pipelines (count) The number of pipelines currently running on this node.
Network received (KB/sec) Data coming in to the node over the network measured in kilobytes per second,
Network sent (KB/sec) Data sent by the node over the network measured in kilobytes per second.

Metric screen controls


  • View values for specific data points, hover over any chart as shown in the screenshot above. All charts display values for the selected time.
  • Zoom in on chart data and view the associated executions:
    1. Expand a chart by clicking Expand.
    2. Drag your cursor to highlight the area of interest:
      Zoom in

    3. Click Open in Execution overview to view the executions for the selected time period.

View mean execution time for Ultra Tasks

FeedMaster node details include the mean execution time for the last 1000 requests handled by active Ultra Tasks. To view the execution time from Monitor, follow these steps:

  1. From the Monitor navigation pane, select Infrastructure.
  2. Click Node list.
  3. Click the node on which the task is executing. The node details on the In progress requests tab include an Execution time column.

Chart controls

Hover over any chart to locate a specific time. The scale of charts depends on the time period you select:

  • For time periods of seven days or less, each data point represents the average value of that metric in one-minute intervals.
  • For time periods of more than seven days, each data point represents the average value of that metric over fifteen-minute intervals.

The default Metrics layout includes nine charts. Click the expand collapse control to maximize or minimize a chart:

Expand or collapse a chart

Click the three dot menu to download chart data or remove it:

Three dot menu

The following table describes the actions available from the Metrics page toolbar, the charts in the default layout, and an expanded chart:

From the page toolbar: From the default charts layout: From an expanded chart:
Select a node Expand or remove a chart Display pipeline execution details
Change the time period Download chart data Download chart data
Refresh chart data View individual data point values View individual data point values
Add back a chart that was removed Zoom in Zoom in

View data point values

In a regular or expanded chart, hover over the plot to view values for individual data points.
Hover over plot to view individual data points

You can also drag, select, and release to zoom in on a shorter period of time.

Add or remove a chart

Nine charts display in the default layout. The toolbar Add button is disabled until you remove a chart.

To remove a chart, click the ellipsis and select Remove chart.

To add a chart, click the toolbar Add button and select the chart to add.

Download chart data

To download chart data:

  • For charts in the standard layout, click the ellipsis and select Download chart data.
  • For an expanded chart, click the Download button on the page toolbar.

View and download pipeline details and logs

To view details for a pipeline execution during a specific time period:

  1. Expand the chart of interest.
  2. Drag your cursor across the plot to select a time period. A table of pipeline executions displays.
  3. Click the download control to download the pipeline data in .csv format.
  4. To view more details, do one of the following:
    • Click Open in execution view.
    • Click a pipeline to open its execution details. Select the Pipeline logs tab to view and download logs.