Modify accounts

You can modify some fields of an existing Account. Typically, you cannot modify values in the Info tab Title field or Class FQID field.

Note: Avoid changing credentials during the execution of Pipelines that use the Account. Doing so may lead to unexpected results, such as the data source locking the account.

Best practices for working with account labels

If you change an Account Label, the change might not be reflected immediately in Snaps that use that account. In the UI, you can reopen and resave every pipeline that uses the modified Account to refresh the information. To avoid this issue when working with APIs, refer to the Account instance by its asset ID, instead of its label. Follow these steps to find the asset ID to use with APIs:

  1. Export the pipeline to view its metadata. The .slp file generated by the export is a JSON-formatted file.
  2. In the JSON tree, under snap_map, go to the branch for the Snap that uses the modified Account.
    Note: Under snap_map, the keys are the Snap asset IDs. Use the Snap's class_fqid and class_id to help you find the appropriate Snap.
  3. Under the appropriate Snap's branch, the Account's asset ID is the value of property_map.account.account_ref.value.ref_id.value.

Modify an account

To modify an account:

  1. Navigate to the Account and open it in one of the following ways:
    • Use the Asset Search option in the left navigation bar and click the Account name.
    • Navigate to your project, select the Accounts tab on the project page, and click the Account name.
    • Click the Snap that uses the Account, select the Account > Select account > Edit Account.
  2. In the Edit Account dialog, modify the field values, as required:Edit Account