SFTP as a source

Upload CSV or JSON files using SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). For each file, SnapLogic AutoSync creates a table with the same name in the target.

If a source file has a schema, AutoSync replicates that schema in the target. If a source file doesn't have a schema, AutoSync creates columns with a string type supported by the target (for example, for Snowflake, VARCHAR).

AutoSync stores CSV values in the target as strings, unless you enable Infer data types for CSV files in the connection configuration. To infer column types, AutoSync checks up to the first 100 rows and can detect the following types:
With type inference enabled, AutoSync treats empty strings as null values.

AutoSync supports the following data types for JSON files:

  • boolean
  • float
  • integer
  • object
  • string
  • varchar
  • number (38,0)

With JSON files, AutoSync stores numbers as numerical data types.

Learn more about how AutoSync loads files.

To provide the information SnapLogic AutoSync needs to connect to SFTP, supply new credentials in the wizard or select saved credentials that were created in the IIP or the wizard. The create credentials page explains how to create credentials in the AutoSync wizard.

Supported Snap account types

The Classic Manager and Designer offer multiple Snap account types for most endpoints and not all types are compatible with AutoSync. AutoSync supports the following Snap accounts:

  • Basic Auth (Binary)
  • SSH Auth (Binary)
  • Two-Factor Auth (Binary)

Known limitations

  • For the SFTP endpoint, Binary Two-factor Auth Accounts created in the Classic Manager or Designer can fail with a File not found error.

Connection configuration

When you create SFTP credentials in AutoSync, the properties include:

  • Account Properties
    • Credential label: A unique, meaningful name such as SFTP-Sales-Admin. If a configuration with the same name exists, AutoSync displays an Asset conflict error message.
    • Username: A username for an account with the correct permissions for AutoSync to load and synchronize data.
    • Password: The password for the account. Multiple retries with an invalid password can cause your account to be locked.
    • Share: (Optional) Select a user group to share this configuration with. Environment admins (formerly Org admins) create user groups to share credentials. If you are a member of a user group, you can select it from the dropdown. You can also select the global shared folder, which shares the credentials with everyone in your Org.
  • Validate and save: After saving, AutoSync adds the configuration to the list of saved credentials.
  • File type: Select your file type, either CSV or JSON.
  • Directory Path: Enter the directory path of your file.
  • Select tables to synchronize: After configuring a destination, choose tables to synchronize. AutoSync populates the list from your SFTP account.
  • Infer data types for CSV files: Only shows when you select the CSV file type. When enabled, AutoSync infers data types from up to the first 100 rows of each file.