Trusted environments

Enabling Trusted environments supports the migration of accounts between environments that use standard encryption. If you migrate a project from Env1 to Env2 without trust enabled, the accounts won't validate because Env1 and Env2 have different encryption keys. However, if you add Env2 as a trusted environment in Env1, all accounts associated with a migrated project re-encrypt and validate properly when migrated.

Important: Trusted environments apply to environments that use standard encryption. If you are migrating or copying accounts or policies between environments:
  • The source environment must recognize the destination environment as a trusted environment.
  • The destination environment must have at least the same security level as the source environment.
  1. In Admin Manager, open the Account encryption page from the Security section of the navigation pane.
  2. Select the Trusted environments tab.

    Add Trusted environment

  3. From the select environment drop down select the environment and click Add.
  4. To remove trusted environments:
    • Click the trash can to remove a single entry.
    • Select multiple environment checkboxes and click Remove.