Analyze integration execution

The Execution overview page shows integration executions and captures errors and warnings for troubleshooting. It includes historical data up to 45 days or 15 days for Ultra Tasks. You can view executions that ran more than 45 days ago in the Manager Runtime Archive.

As shown below, cards at the top summarize the count of executions by status and the count of Ultra Tasks. The Completed with errors status indicates that pipelines with an error pipeline processed at least one document. The table of execution records provides information such as the owner (typically the creator), duration, status, and how many documents were processed.

Execution overview screen

Child pipelines are usually created with an Execute Snap. Their execution records are nested under the parent pipeline. For pipelines created in Designer, owners of child pipelines can access details for the parent pipeline if one or more of the following is true:

  • They own the parent pipeline.
  • They have read permission for the project that contains the parent pipeline.

Use the following to view executions of interest:

  • Filter the table by clicking one of the summary cards.
  • Expand the table and hide the summary cards by clicking expand. To show the summary cards again, click Collapse.
  • Aggregate records by pipeline or by task with the Group by buttons. When you select Group by Pipelines, the table displays the first 100 most recent Pipeline runs of parent pipelines. If you deselect Group by Pipelines, the Dashboard displays data for up to 500 of the most recent child Pipeline runs, even if the parent has more than 500 children. Because the table limits the historical view to 45 days, the number of viewable executions might not reach 500.
  • Find more detailed information for pipelines or tasks by clicking them to open the details panel. Refer to View pipeline details or View task details for a description.

To fix errors or poor performance, you can stop execution or open an integration for editing. Click the three dots in the Actions column to open the menu. The menu is context-sensitive:

  • For integrations created in Designer:
    Execution overview Actions menu

    The pipeline opens with a color-coded view of Snaps that makes it easy to find errors and warnings.
  • For integrations created in AutoSync:
    Open in AutoSync

    The data pipeline opens in the AutoSync Edit dialog.