Retrieve activities in Environment/Org

Retrieves information about activities in the Environment/Org.

GET /activities/{env_org}


This API retrieves information about activities in the Environment/Org.

You can filter the results based on one or more of the following criteria:
  • project space
  • project
  • asset
  • asset_type
  • user
  • event_type
  • alert_state
  • is_alert
  • start
  • end
  • offset
  • limit


  • Read access to the requested assets


 GET https://{controlplane_path}/api/1/rest/public/activities/{env_org}?{query_parameters}

Path parameters

Key Description
controlplane_path Required. The path to the SnapLogic Control Plane:
For the UAT or EMEA control plane, substitute the name for elastic. For example:
env_org Required. The name of the SnapLogic environment/Org. For example, My-Dev-Env

Query parameters

Key Type Description
filter_project_space string Returns activities related to a project space.
filter_project string Returns activities related to a project. Requires filter_project_space.

Example: filter_project_space=myProjSpace&filter_project=My%20Test%20Project

filter_asset string Returns activities related to the specified asset. Requires filter_project_space and filter_ project.

Example: filter_asset_type=File&filter_asset=Sales2021Dec.csv

filter_asset_type string Returns activities related to specific type of assets.
Valid values:
  • Account
  • File
  • Org
  • Pipeline
  • Plex

Example: filter_asset_type=File

filter_user string Returns activities related to a user.
filter_event_type CSV string Returns activities of one or more event types separated by commas.
Valid values:
  • cluster_initiated. Events where the cluster processing was initiated by a pipeline.
  • cluster_idle. Events where the cluster processing was terminated due to an idle timeout.
  • cluster_terminated. Events where the cluster processing was terminated manually.
  • cluster_unknown. Events where the cluster processing was terminated due to unknown reasons.
  • org_concurrent_call_limit. Events where the maximum number of concurrent pipeline executions for the Environment/Org was met or exceeded. Related API: Retrieve concurrent and daily execution metrics
filter_alert_state string Returns activities that match the specified alert state.
Valid values:
  • open indicates that a potential issue in the activity must be investigated.
  • closed indicates that an issue occurred in the activity and was automatically resolved.
filter_is_alert Boolean If true, returns activities that are alerts; otherwise, returns activities that are not alerts.
filter_snaplogic_admin_update Boolean If true, returns activities that were initiated by a SnapLogic process.
start integer Returns activities that occurred since the specified timestamp. Provide time as Unix time in milliseconds.
end integer Returns activities that occurred before the specified timestamp. Provide time as Unix time in milliseconds.
limit integer Returns no more than the specified number of results. You can use limit and offset for pagination.

Valid values: 1 through 100,000

Default: 100

offset integer Returns a subset of the results starting at this 0-based index. You can use limit and offset for pagination.

Default: 0

Request header

In the request header, specify Basic for authorization, add your credentials, and specify application/json for content type:

Authorization: Basic {your_encoded_security_credentials}
Content-Type: application/json

Request body



Response body

  "total": ...,
  "offset": ...,
  "limit": ...,
  "entries": [ ... ]
Key Type Description
total integer The total number of results available.
offset integer The index of the first result returned.
limit integer The number of results returned.
entries array An array of objects containing metadata about each activity. The structure of each object depends on the event type.

Learn more: Reference: Activity metadata


The activity logs capture the following events:
  • session_start
  • session_end
  • user_create
  • user_delete
  • user_auth_failure
  • user_lockout
  • user_unlock
  • password_change
  • password_reset
  • asset_create
  • asset_update
  • asset_delete
  • asset_rename
  • asset_owner_change
  • asset_move
  • acl_add
  • acl_remove
  • plex_node_add
  • plex_node_restart
  • dist_change
  • dist_override
  • group_create
  • group_delete
  • group_update
  • plex_congestion
  • plex_node_enter_maintenance_mode
  • plex_node_leave_maintenance_mode