Project APIs

Project APIs allow you to do the following:
  • Git operations. Perform Git operations on the repository associated with your project. Use authorized individual user accounts (and not SnapLogic service accounts) for these purposes.
  • Project management. Manage APIs in your projects.
  • Project migration. Migrate a project from one Environment/Org to another and track that migration.
  • Project import/export. Import/Export a project to another Snaplex.
Git operation APIs
POST /project/git-branch/{project_path} duplicates the Git branch that is associated with the specified project and uses the currently tracked commit as the head of the new branch.
POST /project/create-project/{project_path} creates a project using the files in the specified Git repository and branch.
POST /project/checkout/{project_path} checks out the specified Git branch for the specified project.
POST /project/pull/{project_path} updates the specified project with the latest files from the associated Git repository.
POST /project/git-tag/{project_path} associates the specified Git tag with the commit that is currently tracked by the specified project.
GET /project/git-tag/{project_path} retrieves the list of Git tags associated with the commit that is currently tracked by the specified project.
GET /project/repo-status/{project_path} retrieves the status of the Git repository associated with the specified project.
POST /project/discard_changes/{project_path} Discard local changes to the listed assets. Equivalent to git restore file_name, which retrieves the asset from the repository and overwrites the local changes. If an asset doesn't exist or isn't tracked by Git, the response includes the appropriate error message.
GET /project/untrack/{project_path} stops tracking Projects with Git. You can use this API to stop tracking Projects and Project Spaces with Git.
Project management APIs
POST /project/copy_assets copies a list of assets from one or more projects to a single project.
Project migration APIs
POST /project/migrate/{project_path} migrates a SnapLogic Project from one Environment/Org to another.
GET /migrate/{status-token} retrieves the status of a migration.
Project import APIs
GET /project/export/{project_path} exports a zip file containing the specified project's files.
POST /project/import/{import_path} imports a project to a new location, such as a production Snaplex.
GET /project/export/assets exports individual assets within the same project, accounts, pipelines, tasks, and files.
POST /project/import/asset_path imports individual assets within the same project, accounts, pipelines, tasks, and files.