Update the owner of a task

POST /assetapi/update/owner


This API updates the owner of a task.


  • Environment (Org) admin permissions


 POST https://{controlplane_path}/api/1/rest/public/assetapi/update/owner

Path Parameters

Key Description
controlplane_path Required. The path to the SnapLogic Control Plane.

Example: cdn.elastic.snaplogic.com

For other control planes, substitute the subdomain name for elastic. For example:
  • cdn.uat.snaplogic.com
  • cdn.emea.snaplogic.com

Query Parameters


Request Header

Specify Basic for authorization and application/json for content type.

Authorization: Basic {your_encoded_security_credentials}
Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

  "asset_path" : "...",
  "asset_type" : "...",
  "project_path" : "...",
  "new_owner" : "..."
Key Type Description
asset_path string Required. The path to the asset.

Format: /{env_org}/{project_space}/{project_name}/{asset_name}

asset_type string Must be set to Job (case-sensitive).
Note: All tasks in the specified project path will be assigned to the new owner.
project_path string
Required. The path to the SnapLogic project.

Format: /{env_org}/{project_space}/{project_name}

Important: The path comparison is case-sensitive.
new_owner string The user ID of the new owner.


Response Body

  "success": [ ... ],
  "failed": [ ... ]
Key Type Description
success array An array of strings containing the paths of the assets that were successfully updated.
failed array An array of strings containing the paths of the assets that were not updated.