Snaplex APIs

Snaplex APIs allow you to do the following:
  • Snaplex management. Create, update, or delete a Snaplex.
  • Node management. Configure or manage a JCC node.
  • Monitoring. Retrieve information about a Snaplex.
  • Version management. Retrieve information about installed versions or upgrade to a specific version.
Snaplex management APIs
POST /snaplex creates a Groundplex.
PUT /snaplex/<snaplex_path> updates the Groundplex properties.
DELETE /snaplex/<snaplex_path> deletes the Groundplex from the Environment/Org.
Node management APIs
POST /snaplex/restart/{plex_path}/{hostname} requests a restart of the specified JCC node.
POST /snaplex/maintenance/{plex_path}/{hostname} requests that the specified JCC node be switched to maintenance mode.
GET /snaplex/config/{plex_path} retrieves the information needed to install and configure a node on a Groundplex.
GET /snaplex/config_file/<path_to_groundplex> downloads the slpropz configuration file for the Groundplex.
Monitoring APIs
GET /snaplex/{env_org} retrieves Snaplex and JCC wrapper information about all nodes or about a specific node.
Version management APIs
GET /snaplex/version retrieves information about all versions of the Snaplex packages.
GET /snaplex/version/latest determines the latest active version of the Snaplex package.
POST /snaplex/version/{plex_path} updates the Snaplex to the specified version.
POST /snaplex/version/latest/{plex_path} updates the Snaplex to the latest version.