Amazon Bedrock LLM Snap Pack

Important: This Snap Pack is part of the GenAI App Builder product and cannot be purchased separately. To purchase GenAI App Builder, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).


The Amazon Bedrock LLM Snap Pack facilitates seamless integration with Amazon's high-performing foundation models (FMs) in the SnapLogic platform. Use this Snap Pack Pack to integrate Amazon Bedrock's FMs from diverse sources with a unified API and leverage Amazon Bedrock's LLM capabilities, such as prompt generation, chat completions, and embedding your SnapLogic workflows. This Snap Pack contains the following Snaps:
This Snap Pack includes the following key features:
  • Enables efficient generation of chat completions utilizing Amazon Titan Text and Anthropic Claude models and parameters.
  • Supports tasks like embedding, chat completions, conversational exchanges and prompt generation for enhanced language processing.

See it in Action