You can generate and import a self-signed SSL/TLS certificate into all the JCC nodes in your Groundplex.
Important: The steps to import the certificate to the JCC node can vary based on the certificate format and the OS.
- Obtain the certificate (.pem) file by using SSH.
- Import the file into the JCC node.
/opt/snaplogic/pkgs/java-version/bin/keytool -import -file path_to_pem_file -alias alias_name_optional -keystore /opt/snaplogic/pkgs/java-version/lib/security/cacerts -vEnter keystore password: changeit
/opt/snaplogic/pkgs/jre1.8.0_45/bin/keytool -import -file path_to_pem_file -alias alias_name_optional -keystore /opt/snaplogic/pkgs/jre1.8.0_45/lib/security/cacerts -vEnter keystore password: changeit
Important: The directory path depends on the Java installation directory.
- Restart the JCC node process to confirm the import.
- To verify that the certificate was imported successfully, list the certificates in the CAcerts file.
/opt/snaplogic/pkgs/java-version/bin/keytool -list --keystore /opt/snaplogic/pkgs/java-version/lib/security/cacerts -v+
/opt/snaplogic/pkgs/jre1.8.0_45/bin/keytool -list --keystore /opt/snaplogic/pkgs/jre1.8.0_45/lib/security/cacerts -v+
While configuring accounts for various Snap Packs, you might encounter the following error message:
Failed to validate account: Invalid credentials Cause: Could not send Message. (Reason: unable to find valid certification path to requested target; Resolution: Please provide valid credentials.)
If this error occurs, update the CAcert trust store in the SnapLogic JCC nodes to enable a successful SSL/TLS handshake with the target endpoint.
Find the trust store at /opt/snaplogic/pkgs/java-version/lib/security/cacerts, and confirm that the certificate was imported in every node in the Groundplex.