System overview

When you open the System overview page, it shows the Snaplex Node map view and the average percentage of memory utilization for the last 15 minutes.

In the node map view, you can:

  • Refer to the legend on the bottom left of the screen for the node color key.
  • Roll your cursor over a node to view the average percentage value.
  • Switch the view to color-coded nodes for memory, CPU, or disk usage.
  • Switch the annotation between average and maximum usage. Hover over a node to view the values.
  • Click a Snaplex or a node to view its details.
  • Restart a node, put it in maintenance mode, or exit maintenance mode from the Snaplex details panel. Hover on the right side of a node's row and click the gear icon.
  • Monitor resource use with the color-coding. Refer to the percentage key on the bottom left of the screen.

The Node list view includes more details such as OS, how long the node has been up, CPU, memory, and disk use:

Node list view

In the list view, you can:

  • Switch between viewing nodes and Snaplexes.
  • Click a node or Snaplex to view its details.
  • From the node list, start or restart a node or put it in maintenance mode. Hover over the right side of the row and click the gear icon.
  • From the Snaplex list, start or restart all nodes. Click the Snaplex to open its details and click the gear icon at the top right of the panel.
  • Resize the columns.
  • Sort by a column.

The following sections describe how to:

View Snaplex details

From the node map or list view, click a Snaplex. Snaplex details include information on the Snaplex and its nodes:

Snaplex details

From the details panel:

  • For self-managed Snaplexes, Org admins can click the gear icon to start or restart Snaplex nodes.
  • Click a node to view its details.
  • Click the Audit log tab to view events for all Snaplexes.

Restart nodes

Org admins can restart self-managed nodes from the System overview page.

To restart all Snaplex nodes:

  1. In the Search toolbar, click List view.
  2. Click Snaplex list.
  3. Click the Snaplex to restart. The details panel opens.
  4. Click the gear icon.
  5. Click Restart Snaplex.

To restart a single node:

  1. In the Search toolbar, click List view.
  2. Click Node list.
  3. Click the node.
  4. To the right of the Status column, click the gear icon.
  5. Click Restart node.

View mean execution time for Ultra Tasks

FeedMaster node details include the mean execution time for the last 1000 requests handled by active Ultra Tasks. To view the execution time from Monitor, follow these steps:

  1. From the Monitor navigation pane, select Infrastructure.
  2. Click Node list.
  3. Click the node on which the task is executing. The node details on the In progress requests tab include an Execution time column.

View offline nodes

Nodes in a Snaplex send a heartbeat every 20 seconds to the Control Plane to indicate they're active. Nodes that don't send a heartbeat for five minutes change color to gray, which indicates no data has come from them. Gray also can indicate that an Environment admin changed a node to maintenance mode.

Node status

Nodes without a heartbeat disappear from the System overview after 15 minutes. Change the time period to view nodes that went offline. Offline nodes are colored gray and remain in the System overview for 45 days.