OpenFT Account


You can use this account type to connect OpenFT Snaps with data sources that use OpenFT account.

Account settings

Create OpenFT Account dialog

  • Expression icon (): JavaScript syntax to access SnapLogic Expressions to set field values dynamically (if enabled). If disabled, you can provide a static value. Learn more.
  • SnapGPT (): Generates SnapLogic Expressions based on natural language using SnapGPT. Learn more.
  • Suggestion icon (): Populates a list of values dynamically based on your Account configuration.
  • Upload : Uploads files. Learn more.
Learn more about the icons in the Snap settings dialog.
Field / field set Type Description
Label String Required. Specify a unique name for the Snap. Modify this to be more appropriate, especially if there are more than one of the same Snap in the pipeline.
Agent Hostname String Required. Specify the name or IP of the system on which the OpenFT Agent is running.

Default value: N/A

Example: My Agent Host

Port Integer Required. Specify the port number of the OpenFT Agent.

Default value: N/A

Example: 1099

User ID String

Specify the user name to connect to the Open FT.

Default value: N/A

Example: [email protected]

Password String Specify the password associated with the entered User ID.

Default value: N/A

Example: N/A

Remote OpenFT Server Properties Use this fieldset to configure the OpenFT server properties.
Partner Name String Name or IP of the partner OpenFT system (IP or partner name of the remote OpenFT system where the OpenFT operation is to be performed)

Default value: N/A

Example: partneropenft1

Transfer Admission String Transfer admission of an File Trasnfer Access Control (FTAC) profile on the remote administration server that permits remote administration of OpenFT instances.

Default value: N/A

Example: [email protected]

User ID String

Specify the user name to connect to the Open FT server.

Default value: N/A

Example: [email protected]

Password String Specify the password associated with the entered User ID.

Default value: N/A

Example: p@$$w0!091

Account No Integer Account number of the remote system as supported by Open File Transfer system

Default value: N/A

Example: 242115

Note: Click Validate after entering the required details to ensure that all fields have been filled accurately. Click Apply to save the settings.