Ultra Task configuration settings

This reference provides details on the configuration options for Ultra Tasks.

Field Description
Notifications Enables email notifications based on the status of the Scheduled Task. If your Org supports Slack notifications, you can add Slack channels or recipients. To use notifications:
  • In Notifications, enter each recipient's email address, separated by commas.
  • If Slack notifications are configured for your Org, the following fields display. You can select from the dropdown list or start typing a name to find it in the list:
    • Direct Message(s): Select individuals to receive notifications.
    • Channels: Select channels to receive notifications.
  • Select the status that triggers notifications from the When Task has selector:
    • Started: The Task is activated.
    • Completed: The Task is completed.
    • Failed: The associated pipeline didn't execute.
    • Stopped: The associated pipeline has stopped abruptly and the Task is no longer running.
Number of Instances Select from the dropdown to scale the running instances for the Ultra Tasks.
Note: Ensure you have all the recent updates to Ultra enhancements to use the Autoscaling feature.
  • Manual per Snaplex: Specifies the number of instances per Snaplex equal to or greater than 1.
    • Default: 1
    • Minimum: 1
    • Maximum: 1000
  • Manual per Node: Specifies the number of instances per node, which must be in the range of 1-99 inclusively. The total number of instances is based on available nodes. By default, the instance value is set to 1.
  • Autoscale based on Feedmaster queue: Specifies the minimum and the maximum numbers of instances per Snaplex, which must be in the range of 1-99 inclusively. By default, the instance values are set to 1. You can also view details of the Auto-scaling events in the Activity log under the Snaplex tab with information on the previous and current configurations.
    Note: This configuration applies only to response-and-request Ultra Pipeline Tasks. Ultra Auto-scaling setting is not available for Polling Ultra Pipeline Tasks.
Alias Use an alias to run an Ultra Task in multiple regions for high availability and disaster recovery. Use the same alias in multiple Ultra Tasks that run the same pipeline. When an Ultra Task in one region fails, a Snaplex in another region can run the pipeline by invoking the Ultra Task that shares the same alias. The Ultra Task that shares the alias must be in the same project folder as the primary Ultra Task, but be deployed to different Snaplex instances.
Bearer Token An automatically generated token for the HTTP Authorization header. If you clear this field, authentication is not required. You can also set the value yourself.note
Note: To authenticate the application successfully, ensure to remove the special characters from the token when adding or updating the values.
Maximum Failures

Specifies an optional threshold when the pipeline fails to start. If the number of failures reaches the threshold, the Snaplex disables the Ultra Task. The default value is 10. The maximum value is 1000.

Set the value to 0 to remove the limitation on pipeline failures.

During development, the pipeline can be in an invalid state and fail to start multiple times. Therefore, in this scenario, it is recommended that you set the value to 0 until the pipeline is ready for production.

Max In-Flight

Specifies a threshold for documents to be processed on a single pipeline instance. Once the execution reaches the threshold, the Snaplex distributes to other instances of the Ultra Pipeline. This enables you to prevent an excessive number of documents from being queued on a single, slow execution.

Set the Max In-Flight value to the maximum number of documents that can be processed by one instance at a time.

  • Default: 200
  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 1000
Set this value higher if the Ultra Task executions take a long time. A value of 1 disables the prefetching of documents and can negatively affect performance.