Snowflake as a target

In the data pipeline wizard or when editing a pipeline, select Snowflake as a target to load data from your sources. Error reporting tables in Snowflake are created as transient tables to reduce storage costs.

Supported Snap account types

To provide connection information, you can enter credentials in AutoSync, Designer, or Classic Manager. Designer and Classic Manager offer multiple account types for most endpoints and not all types are compatible with AutoSync. When you create or edit a data pipeline, the existing credentials list includes only compatible account assets. AutoSync supports the following Designer and Classic Manager account types:

Many Snap accounts support references to JAR files. If you create an account that references a JAR file for use in AutoSync, you must use an absolute path to the JAR file.

AutoSync supports the following IIP Account types:

  • Snowflake S3 Database Account
  • Snowflake S3 OAuth2 Account
  • Snowflake Azure Database Account

Known limitations

  • Autosync can't guarantee the replication of source tables with more than 4,000 columns in Snowflake.
  • To use the SCD2 or Incremental load type for Snowflake, you must modify accounts created in AutoSync Manager in the Classic manager. Add a Uri property parameter with the name TIMEZONE and a value of UTC.

Connection configuration

Snowflake properties include the following:

  • Account Properties
    • Credential label: A unique, meaningful name such as Sales-Shared-Snowflake. If a configuration with the same name exists, AutoSync displays an Asset conflict error message.
    • Hostname: The hostname part of the connection URL. For example, if the Snowflake URL is, the hostname is
    • Port number: The port number for Snowflake.
    • Username: A username for an account with the correct permissions for AutoSync to load and synchronize data. For example,Autosync_Snowflake_User.
    • Password: The password for the account. Multiple retries with an invalid password can cause your account to be locked.
    • Database name: The name of the destination database.
    • Warehouse name: The destination warehouse in which to load the data. You can use any existing warehouse from your Snowflake database. For example, DEMO_WH.
    • Role: If the Snowflake account has a predefined role, enter it here.
    • Share: (Optional) Select a user group to share this configuration with. Environment admins (formerly Org admins) create user groups to share credentials. If you are a member of a user group, you can select it from the dropdown. You can also select the global shared folder, which shares the credentials with everyone in your Org.
  • Validate and save: After saving, AutoSync adds the configuration to the list of saved credentials.
  • Select schema: After selecting your configuration, choose the schema name to load data into. AutoSync populates the list from your Snowflake account.
  • Select the checkbox to preserve the case of your target table and column names by enclosing them in double quotes.
  • Select the second checkbox to have AutoSync log errors to a table in Snowflake.