Delete a user

DELETE https://{controlplane_path}/api/1/rest/public/users/{email}  

Deletes the user record associated with the specified email address. Environment admins can delete one or more users from the Environment simultaneously in Admin Manager. The results of the API and Admin Manager differ as follows:

  • The API performs a hard delete and removes the user from all Environments in the SnapLogic system.
  • Admin Manager and Classic Manager perform a soft delete that removes the user from the current environment.
CAUTION: This API permanently removes the user from the SnapLogic system. Check if the user belongs to other Environments before you delete them. If they belong to a group, use PATCH /groups/{env_org}/{groupname} to remove them from the group before deletion.


  • Environment (Org) admin permissions for all Orgs that the user belongs to

Path parameters

Key Description
email Required. The email address of the user.

Query parameters


Request body



Status code only.