Project folder structure

Development of a custom endpoint requires a specific folder structure for source files.

The Maven archetype creates the folder structure that defines the organization of files in the project directory for a custom endpoint. Your custom implementation and resources fit in this structure as follows:

java/com/snaplogic # package name
  autosyncendpoint # endpoint source files, one of source or target
    src | tgt
      {SOURCE_ENDPOINT}.java | {TARGET_ENDPOINT}.java # required imports and class extends
  autosyncendpoint # pipeline .slp files, logo icon, and schema
        actions.slp    # validates the account
        definition.slp # maps and transforms data to the common data model
        extract.slp    # extracts source data
        load.slp       # prevents load to the source
        icon.svg       # endpoint logo
        schema.json    # defines supported account types and account validation
        actions.slp    # validates the account
        definition.slp # maps and transforms data from the common data model
        extract.slp    #
        load.slp       # loads data
        icon.svg       # endpoint logo
        schema.json    # defines supported account types and account validation