Delete or restore project space

You must be an Org admin or the Project Space owner to delete and restore a Project Space. Deleting a Project Space removes all of its projects and assets. Deleted items first go in the Recycle bin, where you can restore or permanently delete them. .

Learn more about the Recycle Bin

  1. To delete a project space, in the Manager left navigation pane, click the dropdown icon next to the Project Space name.
  2. From the dropdown menu, click Delete. A confirmation box displays:

    Delete Project Space

  3. From the left navigation, select Recycle Bin:

    Project Spaces

  4. Click Project Folders to list deleted project spaces and projects:

    Project folders in Recylce bin

  5. You can either restore or permanently delete project spaces in the Project Folders as follows:
    To restore the item
    1. Select the item to be restored from the list of deleted Project Folders in the Recycle Bin
    2. Click the Restore icon.
    3. In the confirmation dialog, click Restore.
    To permanently delete the item
    1. Select the item to be restored from the list of deleted Project Folders in the Recycle Bin
    2. Click the Permenantly Delete icon