Add or Edit Snaplex

The Snaplexes screen allows the Environment admins to create the Groundplex, add nodes to the Groundplex, and also edit the Snaplex details. The Groundplex is required for integrating with endpoints that are not in the Cloud, such as an Oracle database instance in another data center.

Add Snaplex

The following animation shows the fields on the first tab of the dialog to add a Groundplex:

New Snaplex dialog

The following procedure provides the general steps for creating a Snaplex.

  1. From the Snaplex screen click + Add Snaplex to get the Untitled Groundplex dialog.
  2. Specify the details to configure the Groundplex in the Settings, Logging, Node properties, and Node proxies tabs.
  3. Click Save. The Groundplex created is added to the Snaplex list.

For detailed description of the values to be specified refer to the following table.

Field Description

Specify a unique name for the Groundplex.

The name must not exceed 100 characters and can include characters and numbers.

We recommend you use a descriptive, memorable name for your Snaplex using alphabets followed by numbers.

Default value: None.

Example: Test123


Specify the value to configure the Snaplex nodes.

Default value: None.

Example: Test-10k

Important: You must stop the Snaplex nodes before updating the environment value. You cannot update the environment value if nodes are running in the Snaplex. Download the configuration file for each node and restart the nodes for the environment value to take effect.

Select the location where the Snaplex must be created.

Sidekick: Creates a SnapLogic Snaplex (Groundplex).

Default value: sidekick
Select project Select your target Project or shared folder from the dropdown.

Select the Snaplex version.

By default, all new Snaplexes are configured to work with the latest version of the Snaplex.

Default value: None.

Load Balancer

Specify the URL for the load balancer for Triggered Task execution requests. The load balancer URL has to be fully qualified, including the protocol. The Load Balancer URLs in the Snaplex settings, are used for the Snaplex Trigger URL.

Default value: None.


Ultra Load Balancer

Specify the URL of the FeedMaster load balancer for Ultra Pipeline execution requests. This property is available only to Environments that have subscribed to Ultra Pipeline Tasks.

Default value: None.


Notifications email address

List the email addresses to notify if one of the Snaplex nodes does not respond for 15 minutes.

Default value: N/A

Example: [email protected]

Notifications Slack channel

Specify the name of Slack channels (separated by commas) to notify if one of the Snaplex nodes does not respond in 15 minutes.

Default value: None.

Example: DevOps

Notifications Slack user

Enter the Slack recipients (separated by commas) to notify if one of the Snaplex nodes does not respond for 15 minutes.

Default value: N/A

Example: testuser

Field Description
Level Specify the minimum level of logging or the type of details that you want to enable for the new Snaplex. Available values:
  • Trace: Records details of all events associated with the Snaplex.
  • Debug: Records all events associated with the Snaplex.
  • Info: Records messages that outline the status of the Snaplex and the completed Tasks.
  • Warning: Records all warning messages associated with the Snaplex.
  • Error: Records all error messages associated with the Snaplex.
Default value: Debug
Log file size

The maximum size of the log file to be created for the Snaplex.

Default value: 300

Select the log file size in KB, MB or GB from the dropdown.

Default value: MB
Main backup count

The number of backup main log files that SnapLogic must maintain for the Snaplex.

Default value: 40
Error backup count

The number of backup error log files that SnapLogic must maintain for the Snaplex.

Default value: 5
Access backup count

The number of backup access log files that SnapLogic must maintain for the Snaplex.

Default value: 5
Field Description
Max. Slots

Each Snap in a pipeline consumes a slot; so pipelines can only be executed on nodes where the number of slots in use is below this threshold. Else, they will fail or be queued, depending on how they were executed. The number of slots in use corresponds to the number of active threads on a node, which you can be view in the Snaplex .

Default value: 4000
Reserved slot %

The percentage of slots that you want to reserve on a node for pipelines executed through the Designer tab. Pipelines executed using Tasks or the ForEach Snap do not have access to these slots. Changes made to this setting do not require a restart.

Default value: 15
Max. memory

The memory threshold at–and above–which no more pipelines can be assigned to a node. Changes made to this setting do not require a restart.

Default value: 85
Max. restart wait time

The maximum wait time before restarting a node. The toggle allows the Admin Manager to Set restart wait time to Forever. Once enabled the default value field gets disabled.

Default value: 15 minutes
Max. heap size

The maximum JVM heap size.

Default value: auto
Important: When the value is auto, SnapLogic automatically sets the maximum heap size based on the available machine memory.
HTTP Interface

Specify the location from which the Snaplex node can accept HTTP network connections.

The following options are available:
  • Localhost only (
  • Any interface (
Default value: Localhost only (

The HTTP port on which the Snaplex node listens for connections.

Default value: 8090 for a JCC node and 8091 for a FeedMaster.

The HTTPS port on which the Snaplex node listens for connections.

Default value: None.

Snaplex node types (Hostname/server type)

Add a Hostname for the type of server JCC or FeedMaster from the dropdown. You can also add new nodes using the + Add new node type.

Default value: None.

Global Properties (Key/Value pairs)

Internal configuration options. Do not edit these values without contacting your CSM. You can also add new nodes using the + Add new global property.

Default value: None.

Field Description
HTTP proxy host name

Configuration details associated with the HTTP proxy server.

The URL of the HTTP proxy host.


Default value: None.


The port number on which the HTTP proxy host listens.

Example: 3127

Default value: None.

Non-proxy host

The hostnames or IP addresses that should be contacted directly instead of through the proxy. Patterns might start or end with a * for wildcards. There is an option to add new proxy host using + Add new non-proxy host.

HTTPS proxy host name

Configuration details associated with the HTTPS proxy server.

The URL of the HTTPS proxy host.


Default value: None.


The port number on which the HTTPS proxy host listens.

Example: 3127

Default value: None.

Non-proxy host

The hostnames or IP addresses that should be contacted directly instead of through the proxy. Patterns might start or end with a * for wildcards. There is an option to add new proxy host using + Add new non-proxy host.

Edit Snaplex

To update the Snaplex details from the list view, select the desired Snaplex from the column and edit the details in the tabs:

  • Settings tab: Update the fields as applicable.

    To update your Snaplex version, from the Version list, select the SnapLogic Platform version that you want to use with the Snaplex. After you save the Snaplex, a rolling restart of the nodes in the Snaplex is initiated. Sequentially each node in the Snaplex is put offline, and no new pipelines are sent to the node. The node waits for a maximum of 15 minutes for currently running pipelines to complete their execution and then restarts itself with the specified version of the Snaplex binaries. After these restarts are done, the SnapLogic Monitor System overview displays information about Snaplexes.

  • Logging tab: Update all the fields in this tab.
  • Node properties tab: Update all the fields in this tab.
  • Node proxies tab: Update all the fields in this tab.

You can also delete the Snaplex using the Delete Snaplex button provided at the bottom of the screen.

Important: After the Snaplex is deleted it cannot be recovered.