Install and configure tabcmd and Tableau Hyper Library on Windows

To install tabcmd on Windows, ensure the following prerequisites are met.

Install tabcmd

This article describes the procedure to install tabcmd on a Windows machine and set up the Tableau Hyper library.

  • Openjdk11

  • The SnapLogic® Platform runs on Java 11; therefore, to run the tabcmd utility, you must ensure the Java 11 version exists in your system. Ensure you have installed tabcmd in the Snaplex where your pipelines will run. If you have multiple Snaplexes, all of them must have the tabcmd installed.


  1. Download the tabcmd.exe (v2.0.14) from the Tableau GitHub repository.

  2. Move the tabcmd.exe file from your Downloads folder to a directory of your choice. For example, you can place it in C:\tabcmd.
  3. Add tabcmd to System PATH for global access. To run tabcmd from any command prompt window without specifying the full path to the executable, you need to add the folder where tabcmd.exe is located to your system's PATH environment variable:
    1. Right-click This PC and navigate to Properties > Advanced system settings.
    2. Click Environment Variables.
    3. In System Variables, find Path and click Edit.
    4. Click New to add the folder where tabcmd.exe is located, for example., C:\tabcmd.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Click OK to close all dialogs.

Next steps

  1. Verify tabcmd installation by running tabcmd --version command.

    The expected output should be Tableau Server Command Line Utility v2.0.14

  2. Run the where tabcmd command.

    The output displays the location of the tabcmd.exe file, confirming that it is correctly added to the PATH variable.

Install Tableau Hyper Library

The Tableau Hyper library is required to support operations involving Tableau Hyper files.
Important: The Tableau Hyper lib setup must be done in Groundplex, as it is not compatible with pipelines running in Cloudplex.


  1. Download Tableau Hyper Library for Windows. Hyper API Download (Windows)
  2. Extract the zip file and place the native Hyper API library in a directory or folder accessible by the Java application (C:\lib).
            | |--hyperdstarter
            | |--hyperd
  3. Move the lib/hyper to a specific directory in the Snaplex node.
  4. Set the TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS environment variable. You can set up the hyper lib using either of the following methods:
Method 1: Temporary setup Method 2: Permanent setup
  1. Set the TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS environment variable for the current session: export TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS="C:\lib"
  2. Verify the setup by checking the value of the variable:


    The output should display C:\lib.

  3. Restart the Snaplex node and validate that the Tableau Hyper pipeline is running successfully.
  1. Edit the /etc/environment file to permanently add the environment variable: sudo nano /etc/environment
  2. Add the following line: TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS="C:\lib"
  3. After saving the file, run source /etc/environment
  4. Verify the Hyper Library environment variable. To check if the TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS variable is correctly set, run the echo %TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS% command.

    It should display C:\lib.


    If the TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS value does not reflect the change, log out and log in again to your machine for the changes to take effect.

  5. Restart the Snaplex node and validate the Tableau Hyper pipeline is running successfully.