Cloudplex certificate updates

SnapLogic updates the TLS certificates for Cloudplexes periodically. The tables below list scheduled updates for International domains and the United States.

We recommend that you configure your network to trust our CA-signed certificates. This avoids the need for manual intervention during certificate updates. If your environment does not trust signed certificates, you need to manually update your applications and firewall.

To add SnapLogic certificates to client trust stores, download the certificate chain from the links below before the renewal date and upload them to your client application. We recommend that you configure clients to trust the existing and new certificates to avoid communication issues. We cannot provide procedures for updating client certificates because they are application-specific.

To deal with immediate needs, such as browser defects, we might need to update certificates without prior notice. For more information, contact [email protected] with your account details and specific questions.

Table 1. International regions certificate renewal dates
Date Environment Domain certificate name Estimated update time Downtime Certificate download
08 Jun 2024 Production * 30 minutes None Link to ZIP file
05 May 2024 Production 30 minutes None
15 Apr 2024 Production 30 minutes None
Table 2. US certificate renewal dates
Date Environment Domains/Certificate name Estimate update time Downtime Certificate download
25 Mar 2024 Production 30 minutes None Link to ZIP file
07 Apr 2024 Production * 30 minutes None