Concurrent development on the same SnapLogic project

How multiple developers can work on the same project

When multiple users work on the same SnapLogic project, each should work on their own branch. When ready for integrated testing, merge into a single branch. Pull the tested assets into the production environment.

  1. For concurrent development, each user performs the following:
  2. Create a new project in their own project space.
  3. Create a new branch in the repository for their own project.
  4. Make the required changes.
  5. Commit the changes.
  6. Create a pull request for review.

To automate delivery, set up a CI/CD workflow in your Git provider that is automatically triggered on update of the main branch. The CI/CD workflow pulls the updated files into the production environment.

An admin reviews the pull requests and merges them into the main branch. The merge triggers the automated CI/CD workflow which copies the changes from the main branch to the production environment.