Multiple sources in one data pipeline

When creating a data pipeline in the wizard, you can select up to five source endpoints. Multi-source data pipelines have the following features and limitations:

  • The CSV file endpoint can't be used with other sources.
  • The MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SAP HANA endpoints support both cloud and on-premises databases.
  • Names in the target must be unique. If you select a table with the same name from multiple sources, AutoSync suggests unique names for the target. You can also specify your own.
  • AutoSync uses the default load type common to all sources in the data pipeline. For example, if one source only supports Full load and all other sources support Incremental, AutoSync uses Full load.
  • After you save a data pipeline with multiple sources, you can't change the sources or destination. You can edit it to select different tables, change the load type, change the schedule, or change transformations.

Cloud and on-premises

The MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SAP endpoints support both cloud and on-premises versions. The supplied AutoSync Cloudplex connects to cloud databases. You must have a Groundplex to connect to on-premises databases. When you select one of these endpoints, AutoSync checks to see if the environment has a Groundplex. If it does, a dialog opens to give you a choice between the cloud and on-premises endpoint. For a Groundplex, choose the Groundplex to use to connect:


Unique names

If you select tables with the same name from multiple sources, AutoSync will prompt you to rename them:

Autosync's rename tables feature

Autosync automatically suggests new tables names based on the associated endpoint. If you prefer a different name, enter it in the text field and click Save when finished.