
SnapLogic provides a secure multi-tenant platform for creating and deploying integrations. Customers typically have at least one environment for development and another for production. In each environment, users have access to the subscribed apps and features. When you log in, you can switch to any environment that you have permission to use.

The workflow to create integrations with SnapLogic apps includes the typical phases of design, development, testing, deployment, and monitoring. However, the tasks required depend on the type of integration you want to create and which SnapLogic app you use.

The following sections introduce administration of the SnapLogic environment and use of SnapLogic apps:


One or more users in a SnapLogic environment have the Environment admin role. They configure the SnapLogic environment, create user accounts, and manage Snaplexes, the runtime engines that process integrations. They monitor infrastructure and integration health. Environment admins can also develop and deploy integrations. And, they can be responsible for configuring and sharing endpoint credentials.

The following topics contain useful information and procedures for Environment admins:

  • Platform overview—Introduces the SnapLogic Platform architecture.
  • Security—Describes built-in and configurable security features, such as Enhanced Encryption and use of allowlists.
  • Admin Manager—The app to manage user accounts and configure the environment.
  • Classic Manager—The interface for managing Project Spaces, projects, and assets.
  • Monitor—The app for observing the execution of integrations and infrastructure health. Monitor replaces the legacy SnapLogic Dashboard.
  • Snaplexes—Describes Snaplex versions, maintenance, and configuration. Provides installation and configuration procedures for self-managed Groundplexes.

API Management (APIM)

APIM includes a Manager interface and a Developer Portal. In the Manager interface, you can create APIs from your own specifications or from SnapLogic pipelines and assets. To make the APIs available to users outside SnapLogic, publish them in a Developer Portal. You can also create proxies to integrate with third-party APIs.

APIM supports a workflow for developing the APIs and for managing the Developer Portal. The following information describes how to use APIM:


The AutoSync app enables business users to create data pipelines that move and transform data in a point and click interface. In a wizard, they provide endpoint credentials, configure transformations, and schedule integration. Environment admins use Admin manager to configure AutoSync and Monitor to observe and troubleshoot integration execution.

The following topics describe:


In Designer, developers connect Snaps to create pipelines. Each Snap performs a single function on data, such as read, parse, transform, or write. Snaps require credentials, configured in a Snap account, to connect to the endpoints.

In Designer, developers can validate and execute pipelines manually. To operationalize pipelines for further testing or deployment, they create associated Tasks or invoke the pipelines with APIs created and managed in APIM. Tasks can be triggered from an API call or be scheduled. Ultra Tasks configure Ultra pipelines that accept streaming input.

The SnapLogic Platform saves pipelines, Snap accounts, and Tasks as individual assets in Classic Manager. Project Spaces and projects organize and provide access control for pipelines.

Most organizations migrate operational pipelines to a production environment before final deployment. If your organization subscribes to a Git Integration, you can migrate pipelines, Tasks, and Snap accounts using a Git workflow. If not, you can migrate individual assets in Classic Manager or use APIs to migrate projects or migrate assets.

In the production environment, use Monitor to observe integration execution and infrastructure resource use. Monitor provides an overview of environment use and activities.

GenAI App Builder

GenAI App Builder is a no-code tool for building custom AI solutions with Language Learning Models (LLM). For example, you can create an employee self-serve chat that answers questions based on PDF documents created by HR.

The workflow for GenAI App Builder includes: configuring a Snap account for a vector database, starting with a template pipeline and modifying it for your use case,

  • Configure a Snap account for a vector database.
  • Start with a template pipeline and modify it for your use case.
  • Validate and test.
  • Launch the chat interface.

Learn more about GenAI Builder.


SnapGPT is an intelligent assistant that accelerates integration development in Designer. You can use SnapGPT to:
  • Build pipelines using simple prompts
  • Describe pipelines
  • Analyze pipelines
  • Ask anything about the SnapLogic Intelligent Integration Platform (IIP)
  • Generate SnapLogic expressions
  • Create SQL queries

Learn more about SnapGPT.