
You can invoke a pipeline execution through Tasks in the SnapLogic Platform. Tasks make pipelines operational. Think of the pipeline designer as a developer, usually with an IT background, who builds pipelines to meet an organization's data processing needs. After you design a pipeline, y run it on a schedule or after an event occurs. Tasks provide an easy way to move your pipelines into production.

Tasks enable you to execute your pipelines either on a schedule or by triggering a URL:

  • Scheduled Tasks: Use this option if you need to perform a job at a specific time, interval, or complex schedule.
  • Triggered Tasks: Use this option to enable pipeline execution through an HTTP call. Use Triggered Tasks to build a web API endpoint to allow data to build a web API endpoint, allowing data to be passed into and retrieved from a pipeline.
  • Ultra Tasks: Use this option for specialized, low-latency jobs that need to process documents continuously or for pipelines designed to be always-on. For low-latency jobs, a FeedMaster node in the Snaplex queues the incoming messages. The URL method is similar to triggered tasks, but the pipeline design limits specific Snaps. For always-on pipelines, the Ultra Task continuously polls the target messaging service, making it preferable to a scheduled task.

Task authentication

Triggered and Ultra Tasks support the following four authentication mechanisms:

  • Basic Auth using Service Accounts: The simplest method, shared across tasks based on user ACLs, supporting password expiration.
  • Bearer Token: Easy to use, with one unique token per task by default. Tokens can be manually synced across tasks.
  • JWT-based Access Control: Appropriate for Ultra Tasks, implemented using JWT Snaps for fine-grained access control at the project level or based on other criteria, allowing multiple tokens per task.
  • API Policy Manager: Offers various authentication and authorization policies like Callout Authenticator and Generic OAuth policies.

Task permissions

SnapLogic tasks use the same permissions as other project assets. As an Org admin or task creator, you can set the following permissions for other users at the project level:

  • Read Only: View task configuration and details.
  • Read & Write: View and modify the task but cannot run it.
  • Read & Execute: View and run tasks but cannot change configuration or details.
  • Full Access: View, run, and modify tasks.
  • Owner: Modify permissions on a task, in addition to all of the above.

If a user or group has different permissions at different levels, the lowest permission level is enforced. For example, if you have Read & Execute permissions to the Project Space containing the task but only Read permissions to the project, you cannot run the task.

Anyone with the bearer token can execute a Triggered or Ultra Task. The task owner is the user who executes the pipeline when the task is invoked.

Task notifications

You can configure event-based notifications for your tasks. In the dialog windows of all three task types, you can add or remove recipients and set the event type for the notification. For example, a task owner might enter the Org admin as a recipient and select "Stopped" as the event type, indicating the task execution is not completed.

You can receive notifications for statuses such as Failed to Start for tasks that did not start.

Both Email and Slack are supported for task notifications. For Slack recipients, enter the Slack channel or direct username.