Snaplex version

Mandatory Snaplex upgrades occur four weeks plus two days after a quarterly release. After the system updates Snaplex nodes and Snap Packs, Snaplex rollbacks aren't allowed. The system notifies users before the grace period ends.

  • All nodes in a Snaplex must be configured to run the same Snaplex version and Snap Pack versions.
  • The Snap Catalog will continue to show older versions of Snap Packs until all JCC nodes in an organization are upgraded to the new version. Premium Snap Packs that are newly published won't be accessible in the Snap Catalog until all JCC nodes are upgraded . During pipeline execution, the appropriate Snap Pack will be used depending on whether the JCC nodes has been upgraded or not.
  • Private Snap Packs can be used regardless of the JCC version.
Refer to the general procedures for testing new versions.