MySQL as a target

The MySQL target supports both cloud and on-premises endpoints. To connect to an on-premises database, your environment must have a self-managed Groundplex configured in the Classic Manager shared folder. Refer to Connect to on-premises endpoints for more information.

Supported load types

The MySQL target endpoint supports:

  • Full load
  • Incremental (insert new, update changed) load

Supported Snap account types

Create your MySQL Account in Classic Manager or AutoSync Manager, using the following account type:

  • MySQL Database Account

Known limitations

  • MySQL credentials can't be created in AutoSync because they need an updated JDBC JAR file. As a workaround, create the Account in Classic Manager and specify the correct JAR file. Learn more about configuring MySQL Accounts.
  • If the source does not define precision for a column that AutoSync maps to a varchar type, AutoSync now creates columns with precision of 255 to avoid the MySQL row size limit.
  • If the source doesn't define precision for columns that AutoSync maps to a varchar type and values in the source have greater precision and scale than 255, the integration fails. AutoSync sets the precision to 255 to keep under the MySQL row size limit. Workaround: If a failure occurs, you can change the precision and scale in the source to be compatible with the default precision and scale.
  • MySQL limits the number of bytes in a row. If source data exceeds the limit, try the Treat string as text option to reduce row size. Also, consider using the Filter columns transformation to remove unneeded source columns from synchronization.


To configure MySQL as a destination:

  • Select existing credentials: From the dropdown list, select credentials created in Classic Manager.
  • Select schema: From the dropdown list, choose the source schema. AutoSync populates the list from your MySQL account.
  • Treat string as text: MySQL limits the number of bytes in a row. Select this option to set source columns that map to a common model string type (cdt_string, cdt_nstring, cdt_char, and cdt_nchar) to the MySQL mediumtext data type instead of the varchar data type. The mediumtext data type uses less storage. You can also consider using the Filter columns transformation to remove unneeded source columns from synchronization.